ssEst: Steady State Estimate

ssEstR Documentation

Steady State Estimate


Allows for the estimation of process steady state of a single stream for a process using flow rate data.


ssEst(y, BTE = c(100, 1000, 1), stationary = FALSE)



Vector of mass flow rate observations. Must be specified sequentially with y[1] as the initial observation.


Numeric vector giving c(Burn-in, Total-iterations, and Every) for MCMC approximation of target distributions. The function BMB produces a total number of samples of (T - B)/E. E specifies that only one of every E draws are saved. E > 1 reduces autocorrelation between obtained samples at the expense of computation time.


Logical indicating if stationarity will be imposed when generating posterior draws. See Details.


The model of the following form is fit to the data:

y_t = μ + α y_{t-1} + ε

Where ε \sim \mathcal{N}(0,σ^2) and t indexes the time step.

A time series is stationary, and predictable, when |α|< 1. Stationarity can be enforced, using the argument setting stationary = TRUE. This setting utilizes the priors p(α) \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1000) truncated at (-1,1), and p(μ) \sim \mathcal{N}(0, var(y)*100) for inference, producing a posterior distribution for α constrained to be within (-1,1).

When fitting a model where stationarity is not enforced, the Jeffreys prior of p(μ,α)\propto 1 is used.

The Jeffreys prior of p(σ^2)\propto 1/σ^2 is used for all inference of σ^2

A stationary time series will have an expected value of:


Samples of this expectation are included in the output if stationary = TRUE or if none of the samples of α lie outside of (-1,1).

The output list is a BMB object, passing the output to plot.BayesMassBal allows for observation of the results.


Returns a list of outputs


List of vectors containing posterior draws of model parameters


Logical indicating the setting of the stationary argument provided to the ssEst function


Vector of observations initially passed to the ssEst function.


Character string giving details of the model fit. Primarily included for use with plot.BayesMassBal


## Generating Data
y <- rep(NA, times = 21)

y[1] <- 0
mu <- 3
alpha <- 0.3
sig <- 2
for(i in 2:21){
 y[i] <- mu + alpha*y[i-1] + rnorm(1)*sig

## Generating draws of model parameters

fit <- ssEst(y, BTE = c(100,500,1))

BayesMassBal documentation built on June 18, 2022, 1:08 a.m.