summary.BayesMassBal: Summary of BayesMassBal Object

View source: R/summary_BayesMassBal.R

summary.BayesMassBalR Documentation

Summary of BayesMassBal Object


Prints a summary table containing mean values and 95


## S3 method for class 'BayesMassBal'
summary(object, export = NA, ...)



A BayesMassBal object returned from the BMB function


Optional character string specifying location to save a *.csv file containing summary data. Only data related to mass flow rates is printed.


Additional arguments affecting the summary produced. Not used for a BayesMassBal object.


Current implementation only returns statistics for balanced mass flow rates, taken from x$ybal, and not statistics on β or variance parameters of σ^2 and Σ.

The header entry of the table 95% LB should be interpreted as the lower bound of the 95


A summary table printed to the console, and optionally a saved *.csv file saved within the path as specified.

BayesMassBal documentation built on June 18, 2022, 1:08 a.m.