Man pages for BayesPPD
Bayesian Power Prior Design

actg019AIDS Clinical Trial ACTG019 (1990).
actg036AIDS Clinical Trial ACTG036 (1991).
BayesPPD-packageBayesian sample size determination using the power and...
glm.fixed.a0Model fitting for generalized linear models with fixed a0
glm.random.a0Model fitting for generalized linear models with random a0
normalizing.constantFunction for approximating the normalizing constant for...
power.glm.fixed.a0Power/type I error calculation for generalized linear models...
power.glm.random.a0Power/type I error calculation for generalized linear models...
power.two.grp.fixed.a0Power/type I error calculation for data with two groups...
power.two.grp.random.a0Power/type I error calculation for two groups (treatment and...
two.grp.fixed.a0Model fitting for two groups (treatment and control group, no...
two.grp.random.a0Model fitting for two groups (treatment and control group, no...
BayesPPD documentation built on Nov. 26, 2023, 1:07 a.m.