Man pages for BayesTools
Tools for Bayesian Analyses

add_columnAdds column to BayesTools table
BayesTools_ensemble_tablesCreate BayesTools ensemble summary tables
BayesTools_model_tablesCreate BayesTools model tables
bridgesampling_objectCreate a 'bridgesampling' object
check_inputCheck input
contr.independentIndependent contrast matrix
contr.meandifMean difference contrast matrix
contr.orthonormalOrthornomal contrast matrix
density.priorPrior density
ensemble_inferenceCompute posterior probabilities and inclusion Bayes factors
format_BFFormat Bayes factor
geom_priorAdd prior object to a ggplot
geom_prior_listAdd list of prior objects to a plot
inclusion_BFCompute inclusion Bayes factors
interpretInterpret ensemble inference and estimates
is.priorReports whether x is a a prior object
JAGS_add_priorsAdd 'JAGS' prior
JAGS_bridgesamplingCompute marginal likelihood of a 'JAGS' model
JAGS_bridgesampling_posteriorPrepare 'JAGS' posterior for 'bridgesampling'
JAGS_check_and_listCheck and list 'JAGS' fitting settings
JAGS_check_convergenceAssess convergence of a runjags model
JAGS_diagnosticsPlot diagnostics of a 'JAGS' model
JAGS_evaluate_formulaEvaluate JAGS formula using posterior samples
JAGS_fitFits a 'JAGS' model
JAGS_formulaCreate JAGS formula syntax and data object
JAGS_get_initsCreate initial values for 'JAGS' model
JAGS_marglik_parametersExtract parameters for 'JAGS' priors
JAGS_marglik_priorsCompute marginal likelihood for 'JAGS' priors
JAGS_to_monitorCreate list of monitored parameters for 'JAGS' model
kitchen_rollsKitchen Rolls data from...
lines.priorAdd prior object to a plot
lines_prior_listAdd list of prior objects to a plot
marginal_inferenceModel-average marginal posterior distributions and marginal...
marginal_posteriorModel-average marginal posterior distributions
mean.priorPrior mean
mix_posteriorsModel-average posterior distributions
mpointMultivariate point mass distribution
parameter_namesClean parameter names from JAGS
plot_marginalPlot samples from the marginal posterior distributions
plot_modelsPlot estimates from models
plot_posteriorPlot samples from the mixed posterior distributions
plot.priorPlots a prior object
plot_prior_listPlot a list of prior distributions
pointPoint mass distribution
print.BayesTools_tablePrint a BayesTools table
print.priorPrints a prior object
priorCreates a prior distribution
prior_factorCreates a prior distribution for factors
prior_functionsElementary prior related functions
prior_functions_methodsCreates generics for common statistical functions
prior_informedCreates an informed prior distribution based on research
prior_informed_medicine_namesNames of medical subfields from the Cochrane database of...
prior_PPCreates a prior distribution for PET or PEESE models
prior_spike_and_slabCreates a spike and slab prior distribution
prior_weightfunctionCreates a prior distribution for a weight function
range.priorPrior range
remove_columnRemoves column to BayesTools table
Savage_Dickey_BFCompute Savage-Dickey inclusion Bayes factors
sdCreates generic for sd function
sd.priorPrior sd
transform_factor_samplesTransform factor posterior samples into differences from the...
transform_meandif_samplesTransform meandif posterior samples into differences from the...
transform_orthonormal_samplesTransform orthonomal posterior samples into differences from...
varCreates generic for var function
var.priorPrior var
weightfunctionsWeight functions
weightfunctions_mappingCreate coefficient mapping between multiple weightfunctions
BayesTools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:03 a.m.