Man pages for Bayesthresh
Bayesian thresholds mixed-effects models for categorical data

ACGaussianAlbert and Chib algorithm with Gaussian distribution for...
ACtAlbert and Chib algorithm with t-Student distribution for...
Bayes.factorBayes factor of the two models
BayesthreshBayesian thresholds mixed-effects models for categorical data
coef.BayesthreshCoefficients for the fixed effects model
compVarVariance component estimates
MCGaussianKizilkaya et. al. (2003) algorithm with Gaussian distribution...
MCMCsampleMCMC sample
MCtKizilkaya et. al. (2003) algorithm using Student's "t"...
NCGaussianNandram and Chen (1996) algorithm with Gaussian distribution...
NCtNandram and Chen (1996) algorithm with t-Student distribution...
plot.random.effectsPlot random effects of model
predict.BayesthreshExtract the predict values
random.effectsExtract the random effects of the model
sensorySensory analysis of banana
Bayesthresh documentation built on May 30, 2017, 6:24 a.m.