BiProbitPartial: Bivariate probit with partial observability

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) References Examples


BiProbitPartial estimates a bivariate probit with partial observability model.

The bivariate probit with partial observability model is defined as follows. Let i denote the ith observation which takes values from 1 to N, X[1] be a covariate matrix of dimension N x k[1], X[2] be a covariate matrix of dimension N x k[2], X[1i] be the ith row of X[1], X[2i] be the ith row of X[2], β[1] be a coefficient vector of length k[1] and β[2] be a coefficient vector of length k[2]. Define the latent response for stage one to be

y[1i]* = X[1i] β[1] + ε[1i]

and stage two to be

y[2i]* = X[2i] β[2] + ε[2i].

Note the stages do not need to occur sequentially. Define the outcome of the first stage to be y[1i] = 1 if y[1i]* > 0 and y[1i] = 0 if y[1i]* <= 0. Define the outcome of the second stage to be y[2i] = 1 if y[2i]* > 0 and y[2i] = 0 if y[2i]* <= 0. The observed outcome is the product of the outcomes from the two stages

z[i] = y[1i] y[2i].

The pair (ε[1i],ε[2i]) is distributed independently and identically multivariate normal with means E(ε[1i]) = E(ε[2i]) = 0, variances Var(ε[1i]) = Var(ε[2i]) = 1, and correlation (or equivalently covariance) Corr(ε[1i],ε[2i]) = ρ. A more general structural representation is presented in Poirier (1980).

The model can be estimated by Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) or frequentist maximum likelihood methods. The correlation parameter ρ can be estimated or fixed. The MCMC algorithm used is a block Gibbs sampler within Metropolis-Hastings scheme developed by Rajbhandari (2014). The default maximum likelihood method is based off the Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) algorithm. A modification of the algorithm is used to include box constraints for when ρ is estimated. See optimr for details.


BiProbitPartial(formula, data, subset, na.action,
  philosophy = "bayesian", control = list())



an object of class Formula: a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. The details of model specification are given under 'Details'.


an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by to a data frame) containing the variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment(formula), typically the environment from which BiProbitPartial is called.


an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.


a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NA observations. The default is set by the na.action setting of options, and is if that is unset. The 'factory-fresh' default is na.omit. Another possible value is NULL, no action. Value na.exclude can be useful.


a character string indicating the philosophy to be used for estimation. For Bayesian MCMC estimation philosophy = "bayesian" should be used. For frequentist maximum likelihood estimation philosophy = "frequentist" should be used. The default is Bayesian MCMC estimation.


a list of control parameters. See 'Details'.


Models for BiProbitPartial are specified symbolically. A typical model has the form response ~ terms1 | terms2 where response is the name of the (numeric binary) response vector and terms1 and terms2 are each a series of terms which specifies a linear predictor for latent response equations 1 and 2. A terms1 specification of the form first + second indicates all the terms in first together with all the terms in second with duplicates removed. A specification of the form first:second indicates the set of terms obtained by taking the interactions of all terms in first with all terms in second. The specification first*second indicates the cross of first and second. This is the same as first + second + first:second. Likewise for terms2.

A Formula has an implied intercept term for both equations. To remove the intercept from equation 1 use either response ~ terms1 - 1 | terms2 or response ~ 0 + terms1 | terms2. It is analgous to remove the intercept from the equation 2.

If philosophy = "bayesian" is specified then the model is estimated by MCMC methods based on Rajbhandari (2014). The prior for the parameters in equations 1 and 2 is multivariate normal with mean beta0 and covariance B0. The prior for ρ is truncated normal on the interval [-1,1] with mean parameter rho0 and variance parameter v0 and is assumed to be apriori independent of the parameters in equations 1 and 2.

If philosophy = "frequentist" then the model is estimated by frequentist maximum likelihood using optimr from the package optimr.

The control argument is a list that can supply the tuning parameters of the Bayesian MCMC estimation and frequentist maximum likelihood estimation algorithms. For frequentist maximum likelihood the control argument is passed directly to control in the function optimr from the package optimr. If one wants to specify the method for the function optimr then method must be passed as an element of control. See optimr for further details.

The control argument can supply any of the following components for Bayesian MCMC estimation.


Numeric vector or list of nchains elements each a numeric vector supplying starting values for the coefficients in equations 1 and 2. For each vector, the first k[1] values are for the coefficients in the first equation. The second k[2] values are for the coefficients in the second equation. Default is beta = numeric( k1 + k2 ), a vector of zeros.


Numeric or list of nchains elements each a numeric starting value for ρ. Default is rho = 0.


Logical value to determine if ρ is estimated. If fixrho = TRUE then ρ is fixed at value rho. Default is fixrho = FALSE.


Number of MCMC iterations. Default is S = 1000. For philosophy = "bayesian" only.


Number of initial pre-thinning MCMC iterations to remove after estimation. Default is burn = floor(S/2), the floor of the number of MCMC iterations divided by 2. For philosophy = "bayesian" only.


Positive integer to keep every thin post-burn in MCMC draw and drop all others. Default is thin = 1, keep all post burn-in draws. For philosophy = "bayesian" only.


Positive integer for nchains = 1 or list of nchains elements each a positive integer fixing the seed of the random number generator. Typically used for replication. Default is seed = NULL, no seed. For philosophy = "bayesian" only.


Positive integer specifying the number of MCMC chains. Default is nchains = 1. For philosophy = "bayesian" only.


Numeric vector supplying the prior mean for the coefficients of equations 1 and 2. The first k[1] components are for the coefficients of equation 1. The second k[2] components are for the coefficients of equation 2. Default is beta0 = numeric( k1 + k2 ), a vector of zeros. For philosophy = "bayesian" only.


Numeric matrix supplying the prior covariace of the parameters of equations 1 and 2. The first k[1] rows are for the parameters of equation 1. The second k[2] rows are for the parameters of equation 2. Likewise for columns. If unspecified the default is set such that the inverse of B0 is a zero matrix of dimension (k[1]+k[2]) x (k[1]+k[2]), a 'flat' prior. For philosophy = "bayesian" only.


Numeric value supplying a prior parameter for ρ which is the mean of a normal distribution that is truncated to the interval [-1,1]. Default is rho0 = 0. For philosophy = "bayesian" only.


Numeric value supplying a prior parameter for ρ which is the variance of a normal distribution that is truncated to the interval [-1,1]. Default is v0 = 1. For philosophy = "bayesian" only.


Numeric degrees of freedom parameter for setting the degrees of freedom for ρ's proposal t-distribution. Default is nu = 10.


Numeric scaling parameter for scaling ρ's proposal t-distribution. Default is tauSq = 1.


Determines how aggressive proposal draws for ρ are. Set to P = 0 normal or P = -1 for aggresive. See Rajbhandari (2014) and for details. Default is P = 0. For philosophy = "bayesian" only.


Numeric value determining the value of intermediate reporting. A negative value is no reporting, larger positive values provide higher degrees of reporting.

Note: If the Bayesian MCMC chains appear to not be converging and/or frequentist maximum likelihood produces errors with summary, the model may be unidentified. One possible solution is to add regressors to the first equation that are exluded from the second equation or visa-versa. See Poirier (1980) for more details.


BiProbitPartial returns an S x (k[1]+k[2]+1) x nchains array of MCMC draws of primary class mcmc.list and secondary class BiProbitPartialb, if philosophy = "bayesian". Each element in the first dimension represents a MCMC draw. The first k[1] elements in the second dimension are draws for the coefficientss in the first equation. The next k[2] elements of the second dimension are draws for the coefficients in the second equation. The last element of the second dimension are draws for the correlation parameter. The elements of the third dimension are the chains. If ρ was fixed (fixrho = TRUE) then each draw for the last element in the second dimension is returned as the value it was fixed at (the starting value, rho).

If philosophy = "frequentist" a list equivalent to the output optimr with primary class optimrml and secondary class BiProbitPartialf.


BiProbitPartial was written by Michael Guggisberg. The majority of the MCMC estimation was written by Amrit Romana based on Rajbhandari (2014). The development of this package was partially funded by the Institude for Defense Analyses (IDA).


Poirier, Dale J. (1980). "Partial Observability in bivariate probit models" Journal of Econometrics 12, 209-217. (Identification)

Rajbhandari, Ashish (2014). "Identification and MCMC estimation of bivariate probit model with partial observability." Bayesian Inference in Social Sciences (eds I. Jeliazkov and X. Yang). (MCMC algorithm)


data('Mroz87',package = 'sampleSelection')
Mroz87$Z = Mroz87$lfp*(Mroz87$wage >= 5)

f1 = BiProbitPartial(Z ~ educ + age + kids5 + kids618 + nwifeinc | educ + exper + city, 
     data = Mroz87, philosophy = "frequentist")

# Use the estimates from the frequenist philosophy as starting values
b1 = BiProbitPartial(Z ~ educ + age + kids5 + kids618 + nwifeinc | educ + exper + city, 
    data = Mroz87, philosophy = "bayesian", 
    control = list(beta = f1$par[1:(length(f1$par)-1)], rho = tail(f1$par,1)))

## Not run: #The example used in the package sampleSelection is likely unidentified for 
this model
f2 = BiProbitPartial(Z ~ educ + age + kids5 + kids618 + nwifeinc | educ, 
     data = Mroz87, philosophy = "frequentist") #crashes
summary(f2) #crashes (f2 non-existent)

# Bayesian methods typically still work for unidentified models
b2 = BiProbitPartial(Z ~ educ + age + kids5 + kids618 + nwifeinc | educ, 
    data = Mroz87, philosophy = "bayesian", 
    control = list(beta = f1$par[1:(length(f1$par)-3)], rho = tail(f1$par,1)))

## End(Not run)

BiProbitPartial documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:48 p.m.