Man pages for BinaryEPPM
Mean and Variance Modeling of Binary Data

BBprobCalculation of vector of probabilities for the beta binomial...
Berkshires.littersThe data are of the number of male piglets born in litters of...
BinaryEPPMFitting of EPPM models to binary data.
BinaryEPPM-packageMean and Variance Modeling of Binary Data
CBprobCalculation of vector of probabilities for the correlated...
coef.BinaryEPPMExtraction of model coefficients for BinaryEPPM Objects
cooks.distance.BinaryEPPMCook's distance for BinaryEPPM Objects
doubexpDouble exponential Link Function
doubrecipDouble reciprocal Link Function
EPPMprobCalculation of vector of probabilities for a extended Poisson...
fitted.BinaryEPPMExtraction of fitted values from BinaryEPPM Objects
foodstamp.caseParticipation in the federal food stamp program.
foodstamp.groupedParticipation in the federal food stamp program as a list not...
GasolineYieldData on gasoline yields.
GBprobCalculation of vector of probabilities for the generalized...
hatvalues.BinaryEPPMExtraction of hat matrix values from BinaryEPPM Objects
Hiroshima.caseIndividual case data of chromosome aberrations in survivors...
Hiroshima.groupedData of chromosome aberrations in survivors of Hiroshima...
KupperHaseman.caseKupper and Haseman example data
LL.gradientFunction used to calculate the first derivatives of the log...
LL.Regression.BinaryFunction called by optim to calculate the log likelihood from...
logLik.BinaryEPPMExtract Log-Likelihood
loglogLog-log Link Function
Luningetal.littersNumber of trials (implantations) in data of Luning, et al.,...
Model.BCBinProbProbabilities for beta and correlated binomial distributions...
Model.BinaryFunction for obtaining output from distributional models.
Model.GBProbabilities for binomial and generalized binomial...
Model.JMVGBProbabilities for generalized binomial distributions given...
negcomplogNegative complementary log-log Link Function
Parkes.littersThe data are of the number of male piglets born in litters of...
plot.BinaryEPPMDiagnostic Plots for BinaryEPPM Objects
powerlogitPower Logit Link Function
predict.BinaryEPPMPrediction Method for BinaryEPPM Objects
print.BinaryEPPMPrinting of BinaryEPPM Objects
print.summaryBinaryEPPMPrinting of summaryBinaryEPPM Objects
residuals.BinaryEPPMResiduals for BinaryEPPM Objects
ropespores.caseDilution series for the presence of rope spores.
ropespores.groupedDilution series for the presence of rope spores.
summary.BinaryEPPMSummary of BinaryEPPM Objects
Titanic.survivors.caseIndividual case data of Titanic survivors
Titanic.survivors.groupedTitanic survivors data in frequency distribution form.
vcov.BinaryEPPMVariance/Covariance Matrix for Coefficients
waldtest.BinaryEPPMWald Test of Nested Models for BinaryEPPM Objects
Williams.littersNumber of implantations, data of Williams (1996).
Yorkshires.littersThe data are of the number of male piglets born in litters of...
BinaryEPPM documentation built on July 31, 2019, 5:08 p.m.