Man pages for BoltzMM
Boltzmann Machines with MM Algorithms

allpfvbmProbability mass function of a fully-visible Boltzmann...
BoltzMMBoltzMM: A package for probability computation, data...
fitfvbmMaximum pseudolikelihood estimation of a fully-visible...
fvbmcovSandwich estimator of the covariance matrix for a fitted...
fvbmHessHessian of the log-pseudolikelihood function for a fitted...
fvbmpartialdPartial derivatives of the log-pseudolikelihood function for...
fvbmstderrStandard errors for the parameter elements of a fitted...
fvbmtestsHypothesis testing for a fully-visible Boltzmann machine.
marginpfvbmMarginal probability function for a fully-visible Boltzmann...
pfvbmProbability mass function of a fully-visible Boltzmann...
rfvbmRandom data generation from a fully-visible Boltzmann...
senateSenate voting data from the 45th Australian Parliament.
BoltzMM documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:02 a.m.