CAISEr package

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CAISEr: Comparing Algorithms with Iterative Sample-size Estimation in R

Author/maintainer: * Felipe Campelo ( [1,2]

Contributors: - Elizabeth Wanner ([3] (2019-) - Fernanda Takahashi ([2] (2016-2018)

[1] Department of Computer Science, Aston University, Birmingham UK [2] Operations Research and Complex Systems Laboratory, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil [3] Department of Computer Science, CEFET-MG, Brazil

Implementation of R package CAISEr, with routines for automatically determining the sample size needed for performing comparative experiments with multiple algorithms on multiple problem instances.

To install the most up-to-date version directly from Github, simply type:


The most recent CRAN release of the package is also available for installation directly from the R prompt, using:


For instructions and examples of use, please take a look at the vignette Adapting Algorithms for CAISEr, and at the package documentation, particularly functions run_experiment(), run_nreps() and calc_instances().

Please send any bug reports, questions or suggestions directly to the package authors listed at the top of this document:

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CAISEr documentation built on Nov. 17, 2022, 1:07 a.m.