Man pages for CARrampsOcl
Reparameterized and marginalized posterior sampling for conditional autoregressive models, OpenCL implementation

CARrampsOcl.fitFit Bayesian normal conditional autoregressive model
CARrampsOcl-packageDraws independent samples from joint posterior in Bayesian...
eigenCAR1Function to compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of CAR1...
eigenRW1Function to compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of RW1...
inprodFunction to compute inner product of two vectors.
iowaSW06Iowa normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data
iowaSW97_06smallSouthwest Iowa 10-year normalized difference vegetation index...
makeQFunction to construct a structure matrix for 2-dimensional...
makeRW1QFunction to construct structure matrix for 1-dimenstional...
makeRW2QFunction to construct structure matrix for 1-dimensional...
multivspost2blogEvaluate marginalized and reparameterized joint posterior.
multivspost2blogandtausqtotFunction to evaluate marginalized and reparameterized...
oclCombo1colFunction to call OpenCL to calculate posterior means and...
oclCombo1col1Function to call OpenCL to calculate posterior means and...
oclCombo1col3Function to call OpenCL to calculate posterior means and...
oclKronVectMult1colFunction to call OpenCL program to compute product of a...
oclKronVectMult1col3QFunction to call OpenCL program to premultiply a matrix by a...
oclSamplingFunction to call OpenCL for rejection sampling.
optimizelogpostOptimize log of marginalized and reparameterized joint...
plot2QFunction to produce image plot of 2-dimensional data modeled...
plot3QPlot 3-dimensional data modeled with 3 separate structure...
plotCAR1Function to plot 2-dimensional data modeled using a single...
plotCAR1plus1QPlot 3-dimensional data modeled with a 2-dimensional CAR1...
plotemUtility function used by plotting functions.
rdirichletGenerate random samples from dirichlet distribution.
setup1Function to invoke OpenCL package and create kernels
setup2Function to invoke OpenCL package and create kernels
setup3Function to invoke OpenCL package and create kernels
CARrampsOcl documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:27 a.m.