clusters: Obtain clustering from a clusterpath

View source: R/clusters.R

clustersR Documentation

Obtain clustering from a clusterpath


Get a particular clustering of the data. If there is a clustering for n_clusters, it is returned, otherwise the function will stop with a message. To know whether a query is going to be successful beforehand, check the num_clusters attribute of the cvxclust object, this lists all possible options for the number of clusters.


clusters(obj, n_clusters)



A cvxclust object.


An integer that specifies the number of clusters that should be returned.


A vector with the cluster labels for each object in the data.


# Load data
data = as.matrix(two_half_moons)
X = data[, -3]
y = data[, 3]

# Get sparse distances in dictionary of keys format with k = 5 and phi = 8
W = sparse_weights(X, 5, 8.0)

# Set a sequence for lambda
lambdas = seq(0, 2400, 1)

# Compute results CMM
res = convex_clusterpath(X, W, lambdas)

# Get labels for three clusters
labels = clusters(res, 3)

CCMMR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:11 a.m.

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