convex_clustering: Find a target number of clusters in the data using convex...

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convex_clusteringR Documentation

Find a target number of clusters in the data using convex clustering


convex_clustering attempts to find the number of clusters specified by the user by means of convex clustering. The algorithm looks for each number of clusters between target_low and target_high. If target_low = target_high, the algorithm searches for a single clustering. It is recommended to specify a range around the desired number of clusters, as not each number of clusters between 1 and nrow(X) may be attainable due to numerical inaccuracies.


  target_high = NULL,
  max_iter_phase_1 = 2000,
  max_iter_phase_2 = 20,
  lambda_init = 0.01,
  factor = 0.025,
  tau = 0.001,
  center = TRUE,
  scale = TRUE,
  eps_conv = 1e-06,
  burnin_iter = 25,
  max_iter_conv = 5000,
  save_clusterpath = FALSE,
  verbose = 0



An n x p numeric matrix. This function assumes that each row represents an object with p attributes.


A sparseweights object, see sparse_weights.


Lower bound on the number of clusters that should be searched for. If target_high = NULL, this is the exact number of clusters that is searched for.


Upper bound on the number of clusters that should be searched for. Default is NULL, in that case, it is set equal to target_low.


Maximum number of iterations to find an upper and lower bound for the value for lambda for which the desired number of clusters is attained. Default is 2000.


Maximum number of iterations to to refine the upper and lower bounds for lambda. Default is 20.


The first value for lambda other than 0 to use for convex clustering. Default is 0.01.


The percentage by which to increase lambda in each step. Default is 0.025.


Parameter to compute the threshold to fuse clusters. Default is 0.001.


If TRUE, center X so that each column has mean zero. Default is TRUE.


If TRUE, scale the loss function to ensure that the cluster solution is invariant to the scale of X. Default is TRUE. Not recommended to set to FALSE unless comparing to algorithms that minimize the unscaled convex clustering loss function.


Parameter for determining convergence of the minimization. Default is 1e-6.


Number of updates of the loss function that are done without step doubling. Default is 25.


Maximum number of iterations for minimizing the loss function. Default is 5000.


If TRUE, store the solution that minimized the loss function for each lambda. Is required for drawing the clusterpath. Default is FALSE. To store the clusterpath coordinates, n x p x no. lambdas values have to be stored, this may require too much memory for large data sets.


Verbosity of the information printed during clustering. Default is 0, no output.


A cvxclust object containing the following


A dataframe containing for each value for lambda: the number of different clusters, and the value of the loss function at the minimum.


The merge table containing the order at which the observations in X are clustered.


The value for lambda at which each reduction in the number of clusters occurs.


The order of the observations in X in order to draw a dendrogram without conflicting branches.


The number of seconds that elapsed while running the code. Note that this does not include the time required for input checking and possibly scaling and centering X.


The clusterpath coordinates. Only part of the output in case that save_clusterpath=TRUE.


The values for lambda for which a clustering was found.


The threshold for cluster fusions that was used by the algorithm.


The number of instances of the loss function that were minimized while finding an upper and lower bound for lambda. The sum phase_1_iterations + phase_2_iterations gives the total number of instances solved.


The number of instances of the loss function that were minimized while refining the value for lambda. The sum phase_1_iterations + phase_2_iterations gives the total number of instances solved.


The different numbers of clusters that have been found.


The number of observations in X.

See Also

convex_clusterpath, sparse_weights


# Load data
data = as.matrix(two_half_moons)
X = data[, -3]
y = data[, 3]

# Get sparse weights in dictionary of keys format with k = 5 and phi = 8
W = sparse_weights(X, 5, 8.0)

# Perform convex clustering with a target number of clusters
res1 = convex_clustering(X, W, target_low = 2, target_high = 5)

# Plot the clustering for 2 to 5 clusters
oldpar = par(mfrow=c(2, 2))
plot(X, col = clusters(res1, 2), main = "2 clusters", pch = 19)
plot(X, col = clusters(res1, 3), main = "3 clusters", pch = 19)
plot(X, col = clusters(res1, 4), main = "4 clusters", pch = 19)
plot(X, col = clusters(res1, 5), main = "5 clusters", pch = 19)

# A more generalized approach to plotting the results of a range of clusters
res2 = convex_clustering(X, W, target_low = 2, target_high = 7)

# Plot the clusterings
k = length(res2$num_clusters)
par(mfrow=c(ceiling(k / ceiling(sqrt(k))), ceiling(sqrt(k))))

for (i in 1:k) {
    labels = clusters(res2, res2$num_clusters[i])
    c = length(unique(labels))

    plot(X, col = labels, main = paste(c, "clusters"), pch = 19)

CCMMR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:11 a.m.