Man pages for CDF.PSIdekick
Evaluate Differentially Private Algorithms for Publishing Cumulative Distribution Functions

AbbrevTranforms long numbers into short strings.
badCDFMake a straight-line faux CDF.
CDFtestComprehensively evaluate and visualize the utility of...
CDFtestTrackTest a single CDF implementation with one set of parameters.
CDFtestTrackxTest a single CDF implementation with one set of parameters.
DerivDiffDetermine how well a single DPCDF matches the shape of its...
diffat25Determine the distance between CDFs at the .25 quantile.
diffat75Determine the distance between CDFs at the .75 quantile.
diffatMedianDetermine the distance between CDFs at the median.
diffatQuantileDetermine the distance between CDFs at key quantiles.
dpCDFtesting-packageComprehensively evaluate and visualize the output of...
findMaxErrorLocate where the maximum error occurs between two CDFs
functionHCreate a DP-CDF by creating a K-degree noisy tree
functionHmonoCreate a monotonically increasing DP-CDF by creating a...
functionS2Build dpCDFs through Histogram smoothing and minimized...
functionSUBBuild dpCDFs through use of a noisy tree with bin merging.
getMaxErrorDetermine an approximate CDF's maximum error.
getMeanCalculate the private mean from the DP-CDF
horzdiffat25Determine the distance between the .25 quantile values...
horzdiffat75Determine the distance between the .75 quantile values...
horzdiffatMedDetermine the distance between the median values returned by...
horzdiffatQuantileDetermine the distance between the quantile values returned...
KurtDiffpdfError in Kurtosis from CDF (under development)
L1empiricCalculate the area between two CDFs.
L2empiricCalculate the empirical L2norm between two CDFs.
MAECalculate the MAE of a dpCDF relative to that of the...
MaxErrorAt_CDFLocate where the maximum error occurs between two CDFs
MaxErrorAt_PDFLocate where the maximum error occurs between two PDFs
MaxError_CDFDetermine an approximate CDF's maximum error.
MaxError_PDFDetermine an approximate PDF's maximum error.
MeanDiffpdfError in mean from CDF
MediansRetrieve a median estimate from the dpCDF
ModeDiffpdfError in Mode from CDF
MovetoRangeClamp a value to a specified range.
MSECalculate the MSE of a DP-CDF relative to the non-private...
MSEanalyticDetermine the expected MSE of a simple DPCDF from its...
nodesNode parser.
QuantileFromCDFRetrieve a private quantile estimate from the dpCDF
SDempiricCalculate the std. dev. on a DPCDF.
SkewDiffpdfError in Skewness from CDF (under development)
SmoothMonotonicity enforcement
smoothVector2Enforce monotnocity on a vector.
StdDiffpdfError in Standard Deviation from CDF
TreeCDFCreates a Tree then a CDF
VarDiffpdfError in Variance from CDF
CDF.PSIdekick documentation built on May 30, 2017, 5:09 a.m.