Man pages for CDatanet
Econometrics of Network Data

CDatanet-packageThe CDatanet package
cdnetEstimating count data models with social interactions under...
homophili.dataConverting data between directed network models and symmetric...
homophily.feEstimating network formation models with degree...
homophily.reEstimating network formation models with degree...
peer.avgComputing peer averages
print.simcdEyPrinting the average expected outcomes for count data models...
remove.idsRemoving IDs with NA from Adjacency Matrices Optimally
sarEstimating linear-in-mean models with social interactions
sartEstimating Tobit models with social interactions
simcdEyCounterfactual analyses with count data models and social...
simcdnetSimulating count data models with social interactions under...
simnetworkSimulating network data
simsarSimulating data from linear-in-mean models with social...
simsartSimulating data from Tobit models with social interactions
summary.cdnetSummary for the estimation of count data models with social...
summary.sarSummary for the estimation of linear-in-mean models with...
summary.sartSummary for the estimation of Tobit models with social... objects for network models
CDatanet documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:14 a.m.