palply: Conditional Parallel Processing

View source: R/palply.R

palplyR Documentation

Conditional Parallel Processing


Use multiple processors for large calculations.


  palply(varlist, X, FUN, ...)



equivalent to the same argument in parallel::parLapply


character, names of variables to export using parallel::clusterExport


vector, argument for lapply or parLapply


function, argument for lapply or parLapply


palply is a wrapper function to run parallel::parLapply if length of X > thermo()$opt$paramin and multiple cores are available, otherwise it runs lapply. Note that parLapply is called with methods set to FALSE. If lots of package startup messages are created when running parallel::makeCluster (which is called by palply), it can probably be stopped by adding a test for interactive sessions around any library commands in the Rprofile.

See Also

read.fasta, count.aa, affinity, equil.boltzmann and equil.reaction for functions that use palply. Tests are in ‘tests/test-util.program.R’, and a “real world” example is in ‘demo/density.R’.

CHNOSZ documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:30 a.m.