
Defines functions summary.MultipleCICA

Documented in summary.MultipleCICA

#' Summary method for class MultipleCICA
#' @description Summarize a CICA analysis
#' @param object Object of the type produced by \code{\link{CICA}}
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @return \code{summary.MultipleCICA} returns an overview of the estimated clustering of a \code{\link{CICA}} analysis
#' \item{PM}{Partitioning matrix}
#' \item{tab}{tabulation of the clustering}
#' \item{Loss}{Loss function value of the solution}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' CICA_data <- Sim_CICA(Nr = 15, Q = 5, R = 4, voxels = 100, timepoints = 10,
#' E = 0.4, overlap = .25, externalscore = TRUE)
#' multiple_output = CICA(DataList = CICA_data$X, nComp = 2:6, nClus = 1:5,
#' userGrid = NULL, RanStarts = 30, RatStarts = NULL, pseudo = c(0.1, 0.2),
#' pseudoFac = 2, userDef = NULL, scalevalue = 1000, center = TRUE,
#' maxiter = 100, verbose = TRUE, ctol = .000001)
#' summary(multiple_output$Q_5_R_4)
#' }
#' @export
summary.MultipleCICA <- function(object, ...){

  cat('MultipleCICA object, Sequential Scree procedure used to determine optimal model\n')
  modsel <- SequentialScree(object)
    stop("Scree values cannot be computed. Check if you provided at least 3 values for the nComp input argument of CICA")

  id <- paste('Q',modsel$optimalQ,'R',modsel$optimalR, sep = '_')
  cat('Optimal model: ', id, '\n')
  id <- which(id == names(object))
  object <- object[[id]]

  cat('Partitioning matrix P: \n' )
  PB <- matrix(0, nrow = length(object$P), ncol = length(unique(object$P)))
  for(i in 1:nrow(PB)){
    PB[i, object$P[i]] <- 1
  colnames(PB) <- paste('Cluster',sort(unique(object$P)))
  rownames(PB) <- names(object$P)


  cat('Tabulation of clustering: \n')
  tab <- table(object$P)
  names(tab) <- paste('Cluster',sort(unique(object$P)))
  print( tab )


  cat('Loss function value of optimal solution is: ', object$Loss,'\n')

  # out <- list()
  # out$PM <- PB
  # out$tab <- tab
  # out$loss <- object$Loss
  # return(out)

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CICA documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:33 p.m.