Man pages for CLVTools
Tools for Customer Lifetime Value Estimation

apparelDynCovTime-varying Covariates for the Apparel Retailer Dataset
apparelDynCovFutureFuture Time-varying Covariates for the Apparel Retailer...
apparelStaticCovTime-invariant Covariates for the Apparel Retailer Dataset
apparelTransApparel Retailer Dataset
as.clv.dataCoerce to object to a Data Frame to a Data Table
bgbbBG/BB models - Work In Progress
bgnbdBG/NBD models
bgnbd_CETBG/NBD: Conditional Expected Transactions
bgnbd_expectationBG/NBD: Unconditional Expectation
bgnbd_LLBG/NBD: Log-Likelihood functions
bgnbd_PAliveBG/NBD: Probability of Being Alive
bgnbd_pmfBG/NBD: Probability Mass Function (PMF)
cdnowCDNOW dataset
clv.bgnbd-classResult of fitting the BG/NBD model without covariates
clv.bgnbd.static.cov-classResult of fitting the BG/NBD model with static covariates
clv.bootstrapped.applyBootstrapping: Fit a model again on sampled data and apply...
clvdataCreate an object for transactional data required to estimate... data to fit CLV models and dynamic covariates data to fit CLV models and static covariates data to fit CLV models
clv.fitted-classFitted model without covariates
clv.fitted.spending-classFitted Spending Model
clv.fitted.transactions-classFitted Transaction Model without covariates
clv.fitted.transactions.dynamic.cov-classFitted CLV Model with Dynamic covariates
clv.fitted.transactions.static.cov-classFitted Transaction Model with Static covariates of fitting the Gamma-Gamma model
clv.ggomnbd-classResult of fitting the GGompertz/NBD model without covariates
clv.ggomnbd.static.cov-classResult of fitting the GGompertz/NBD model with static... Model functionality for BG/NBD without covariates
clv.model.bgnbd.static.cov-classCLV Model functionality for BG/NBD with static covariates
clv.model-classCLV Model providing model related functionalities Model functionality for the Gamma-Gamma spending model Model functionality for GGompertz/NBD without covariates
clv.model.ggomnbd.static.cov-classCLV Model functionality for GGompertz/NBD with static... Model without support for life-trans correlation
clv.model.pnbd.dynamic.cov-classCLV Model functionality for PNBD with dynamic covariates Model functionality for Pareto/NBD without covariates
clv.model.pnbd.static.cov-classCLV Model functionality for Pareto/NBD with static covariates
clv.model.with.correlation-classCLV Model providing life-trans correlation related...
clv.pnbd-classResult of fitting the Pareto/NBD model without covariates
clv.pnbd.dynamic.cov-classResult of fitting the Pareto/NBD model with dynamic...
clv.pnbd.static.cov-classResult of fitting the Pareto/NBD model with static covariates
clv.time-classTime Unit defining conceptual periods based time-units
clv.time.datetime-classPOSIXct based time-units
clv.time.days-classTime unit representing a single Day
clv.time.hours-classTime unit representing a single hour
clv.time.weeks-classTime unit representing a single Week
clv.time.years-classTime unit representing a single Year
CLVTools-packageCustomer Lifetime Value Tools
fitted.clv.fittedExtract Unconditional Expectation
ggGamma/Gamma Spending model
gg_LLGamma-Gamma: Log-Likelihood Function
ggomnbdGamma-Gompertz/NBD model
ggomnbd_CETGGompertz/NBD: Conditional Expected Transactions
ggomnbd_expectationGGompertz/NBD: Unconditional Expectation
ggomnbd_LLGGompertz/NBD: Log-Likelihood functions
ggomnbd_PAliveGGompertz/NBD: Probability of Being Alive
ggomnbd_PMFGGompertz/NBD: Probability Mass Function (PMF)
latentAttritionFormula Interface for Latent Attrition Models
lrtestLikelihood Ratio Test of Nested Models
newcustomerNew customer prediction data
nobs.clv.dataNumber of observations
nobs.clv.fittedNumber of observations
plot.clv.dataPlot Diagnostics for the Transaction data in a
plot.clv.fitted.spendingPlot expected and actual mean spending per transaction
plot.clv.fitted.transactionsPlot Diagnostics for a Fitted Transaction Model
pmfProbability Mass Function
pnbdPareto/NBD models
pnbd_CETPareto/NBD: Conditional Expected Transactions
pnbd_DERTPareto/NBD: Discounted Expected Residual Transactions
pnbd_expectationPareto/NBD: Unconditional Expectation
pnbd_LLPareto/NBD: Log-Likelihood functions
pnbd_PAlivePareto/NBD: Probability of Being Alive
pnbd_pmfPareto/NBD: Probability Mass Function (PMF)
predict.clv.fitted.spendingPredict customers' future spending
predict.clv.fitted.transactionsPredict CLV from a fitted transaction model
SetDynamicCovariatesAdd Dynamic Covariates to a CLV data object
SetStaticCovariatesAdd Static Covariates to a CLV data object
spendingFormula Interface for Spending Models
summary.clv.dataSummarizing a CLV data object
summary.clv.fittedSummarizing a fitted CLV model
summary.clv.timeSummarizing a CLV time object
vcov.clv.fittedCalculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for CLV Models fitted...
vec_gsl_hyp2f0_eGSL Hypergeometric 2F0 for equal length vectors
vec_gsl_hyp2f1_eGSL Hypergeometric 2F1 for equal length vectors
CLVTools documentation built on Oct. 13, 2024, 9:07 a.m.