clv.model-class: CLV Model providing model related functionalities

clv.model-classR Documentation

CLV Model providing model related functionalities


Objects of class clv.fitted contain an instance of class clv.model that is called whenever a model-related step is performed (Strategy pattern).

This class is the abstract parent class from which new clv models inherit. It implements only stubs (with stop()) for all methods that need to be implemented in order to obtain a functional clv.fitted object.



Name of the model as it should be displayed


character vector that defines the names of the model parameters as they should be reported


character vector that defines the names of the model parameters as they are named during LL optimization


numeric vector of default values at original scale that should be used for the LL optimization if the user does not provide start parameters. Named with names.original.params.model.


list of default arguments for calling optimx with Named after the respective arguments in optimx.

See Also

CLV model subclasses with and without support for fitting with correlation clv.model.with.correlation,

Class using its instances: clv.fitted

CLVTools documentation built on Oct. 24, 2023, 1:06 a.m.