Man pages for COINr
Composite Indicator Construction and Analysis

a_ameanWeighted arithmetic mean
a_copelandCopeland scores
AggregateAggregate data
Aggregate.coinAggregate indicators data frame
Aggregate.purseAggregate indicators
a_gmeanWeighted geometric mean
a_hmeanWeighted harmonic mean
approx_dfInterpolate time-indexed data frame
ASEM_iDataASEM raw indicator data
ASEM_iData_pASEM raw panel data
ASEM_iMetaASEM indicator metadata
boxcoxBox Cox transformation
build_example_coinBuild ASEM example coin
build_example_purseBuild example purse
CAGRCompound annual growth rate
change_indAdd and remove indicators
check_iDataCheck iData
check_iMetaCheck iMeta
check_SkewKurtCheck skew and kurtosis of a vector
COIN_to_coinConvert a COIN to a coin
compare_coinsCompare two coins
compare_coins_multiCompare multiple coins
compare_dfCompare two data frames
DenominateDenominate data
Denominate.coinDenominate data set in a coin data sets by other variables
Denominate.purseDenominate a data set within a purse.
export_to_excelExport a coin or purse to Excel
export_to_excel.coinExport a coin to Excel
export_to_excel.purseExport a purse to Excel
get_corrGet correlations
get_corr_flagsFind highly-correlated indicators within groups
get_cronbachCronbach's alpha
get_dataGet subsets of indicator data
get_data_availGet data availability of units
get_data_avail.coinGet data availability of units data availability of units
get_data.coinGet subsets of indicator data
get_data.purseGet subsets of indicator data
get_denom_corrCorrelations between indicators and denominators
get_dsetGets a named data set and performs checks
get_dset.coinGets a named data set and performs checks
get_dset.purseGets a named data set and performs checks
get_eff_weightsGet effective weights
get_noisy_weightsNoisy replications of weights
get_opt_weightsWeight optimisation
get_PCAPerform PCA on a coin
get_pvalsP-values for correlations in a data frame or matrix
get_resultsResults summary tables
get_sensitivitySensitivity and uncertainty analysis of a coin
get_statsStatistics of columns/indicators
get_stats.coinStatistics of indicators of columns
get_str_weakGenerate strengths and weaknesses for a specified unit
get_trendsGet time trends
get_unit_summaryGenerate unit summary table
icodes_to_inamesConvert iCodes to iNames
i_meanImpute by mean
i_mean_grpImpute by group mean
i_medianImpute by median
i_median_grpImpute by group median
import_coin_toolImport data directly from COIN Tool
ImputeImputation of missing data
Impute.coinImpute a data set in a coin a data frame
Impute.numericImpute a numeric vector
impute_panelImpute panel data
Impute.purseImpute data sets in a purse
is.coinCheck if object is coin class
is.purseCheck if object is purse class
kurtCalculate kurtosis
log_CTLog-transform a vector
log_CT_origLog-transform a vector
log_CT_plusLog transform a vector (skew corrected)
log_GIILog-transform a vector
names_to_codesGenerate short codes from long names
n_bordaNormalise using Borda scores
n_dist2maxNormalise as distance to maximum value
n_dist2refNormalise as distance to reference value
n_dist2targNormalise as distance to target
new_coinCreate a new coin
n_fracmaxNormalise as fraction of max value
n_goalpostsNormalise using goalpost method
n_minmaxMinmax a vector
NormaliseNormalise data
Normalise.coinCreate a normalised data set a data frame
Normalise.numericNormalise a numeric vector
Normalise.purseCreate normalised data sets in a purse of coins
n_prankNormalise using percentile ranks
n_rankNormalise using ranks
n_scaledScale a vector
n_zscoreZ-score a vector
outrankMatrixOutranking matrix
plot_barBar chart
plot_corrStatic heatmaps of correlation matrices
plot_distStatic indicator distribution plots
plot_dotDot plots of single indicator with highlighting
plot_frameworkFramework plots
plot_scatterScatter plot of two variables
plot_sensitivityPlot sensitivity indices
plot_uncertaintyPlot ranks from an uncertainty/sensitivity analysis
prc_changePercentage change of time series
print.coinPrint coin
print.pursePrint purse
qNormaliseQuick normalisation
qNormalise.coinQuick normalisation of a coin normalisation of a data frame
qNormalise.purseQuick normalisation of a purse
qTreatQuick outlier treatment
qTreat.coinQuick outlier treatment of a coin outlier treatment of a data frame
qTreat.purseQuick outlier treatment of a purse
rank_dfConvert a data frame to ranks
RegenRegenerate a coin or purse
Regen.coinRegenerate a coin
Regen.purseRegenerate a purse
remove_elementsCheck the effect of removing indicators or aggregates
replace_dfReplace multiple values in a data frame
round_dfRound down a data frame
SA_estimateEstimate sensitivity indices
SA_sampleGenerate sample for sensitivity analysis
ScreenScreen units based on data availability
Screen.coinScreen units based on data availability units based on data availability
Screen.purseScreen units based on data availability
signif_dfRound a data frame to specified significant figures
skewCalculate skewness
TreatTreat outliers
Treat.coinTreat a data set in a coin for outliers a data frame for outliers
Treat.numericTreat a numeric vector for outliers
Treat.purseTreat a purse of coins for outliers
ucodes_to_unamesConvert uCodes to uNames
winsoriseWinsorise a vector
WorldDenomsWorld denomination data
COINr documentation built on Oct. 9, 2023, 5:07 p.m.