Impute.purse: Impute data sets in a purse

View source: R/impute.R

Impute.purseR Documentation

Impute data sets in a purse


This function imputes the target data set dset in each coin using the imputation function f_i. This is performed in the same way as the coin method Impute.coin(), but with one "special case" for panel data. If ⁠f_i = "impute_panel⁠, the data sets inside the purse are imputed using the impute_panel() function. In this case, coins are not imputed individually, but treated as a single data set. In this case, optionally set the imputation method as f_i_para = list(imp_type = .) and f_i_para = list(max_time = .) where . should be substituted with the maximum number of time points to search backwards for a non-NA value. See impute_panel() for more details. No further arguments need to be passed to impute_panel(). See vignette("imputation") for more details. See also Impute.coin() documentation.


## S3 method for class 'purse'
  f_i = NULL,
  f_i_para = NULL,
  impute_by = "column",
  group_level = NULL,
  use_group = NULL,
  normalise_first = NULL,
  write_to = NULL,
  warn_on_NAs = TRUE,



A purse object


The name of the data set to apply the function to, which should be accessible in .$Data.


An imputation function. For the "purse" class, if ⁠f_i = "impute_panel⁠ this is a special case: see details.


Further arguments to pass to f_i, other than x. See details.


Specifies how to impute: if "column", passes each column (indicator) separately as a numerical vector to f_i; if "row", passes each row separately; and if "df" passes the entire data set (data frame) to f_i. The function called by f_i should be compatible with the type of data passed to it.


A level of the framework to use for grouping indicators. This is only relevant if impute_by = "row" or "df". In that case, indicators will be split into their groups at the level specified by group_level, and imputation will be performed across rows of the group, rather than the whole data set. This can make more sense because indicators within a group are likely to be more similar.


Optional grouping variable name to pass to imputation function if this supports group imputation.


Logical: if TRUE, each column is normalised using a min-max operation before imputation. By default this is FALSE unless impute_by = "row". See details.


Optional character string for naming the resulting data set in each coin. Data will be written to .$Data[[write_to]]. Default is write_to == "Imputed".


Logical: if TRUE will issue a warning if there are any NAs detected in the data frame after imputation has been applied. Set FALSE to suppress these warnings.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


An updated purse with imputed data sets added to each coin.


# see vignette("imputation")

COINr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:18 a.m.