

Smarak Nayak and Peter Straka.


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Solar Flares

The Hard X-Ray Burst Spectrometer (HXRBS).

The Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) spacecraft was launched on February 14, 1980, near the height of the solar cycle, to enable the solar phsyics community to examine, in more physically meaningful detail than ever before, the most violent aspect of solar activity: flares. (From NASA's Solar Maximum Mission: A Look at a New Sun)

SMM recorded its final data in November, 1989.

Obtained at this link from NASA.


Data were obtained from SeismicPortal. The region is the square of latitude and longitude between [-13.5, -12.4] and [166, 167], respectively, which is the region of an Athol in the Coral Sea.


The magnitudes depict daily trade volumes. Peter has downloaded the dataset from some website a few months ago, but forgot to note down its origin.

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CTRE documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:34 a.m.