
Defines functions effe10

Documented in effe10

#' @title Auxiliary function for the log-likelihood estimation of CUB models
#' @description Compute the opposite of the scalar function that is maximized when running
#'  the E-M algorithm for CUB models with covariates for the uncertainty parameter. 
#' @aliases effe10
#' @usage effe10(bet, esterno10)
#' @param bet Vector of the starting values for the parameters to be estimated 
#' @param esterno10 A matrix binding together the matrix of the selected covariates  
#' (accounting for an intercept term) and a vector (whose length equals the number of observations) 
#' of the posterior probabilities that each observation has been generated by the first component 
#' distribution of the mixture
#' @keywords internal 
#' @details It is called as an argument for optim within CUB function for models with covariates for
#' uncertainty or for both feeling and uncertainty

effe10 <-

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CUB documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:23 a.m.