approx.scotopic.luminance.LarsonEtAl.RGB | Approximation of the scotopic luminance |
attenuationNumberOfEyes | Attenuation as a function of number of eyes |
B20 | Farnsworth B-20 cap colors |
BowmanTCDS | Table of color distance scores for quantitative scoring of... |
calculateCircle | Generate points from a circle |
calculateTES | total error score (TES) using Farnsworth's or Kinnear's... |
Color.Vision.c2g | Decolorize an image using the c2g algorithm |
Color.Vision.Daltonize | Daltonize images |
Color.Vision.Simulate | Simulate CVDs on images |
Color.Vision.VingrysAndKingSmith | Scoring the results of the "D-15", "D-15DS" or "FM1OO-Hue"... |
createPNGbuttons | Creates PNG files to be used as colored caps (buttons) |
CVD-internal | Internal CVD functions |
D15Foutch | Quantitatively analyzes of D15 color panel tests |
decolorize | Decolorize algorithm from Mark Grundland and Neil A. Dodgson |
dichromaticCopunctalPoints | Copunctal points derived by Smith and Pokorny (1975) |
effectiveCornealFluxDensity | Effective Corneal Flux Density |
effectivePupilArea | Effective area of the illuminated pupil |
example1Lanthony1978 | Example of cap arrangements for the D-15d test,... |
example2Lanthony1978 | Example of cap arrangements for the D-15d test, Central... |
exampleBowman1982 | Example of cap arrangements for the D-15d test |
exampleFarnsworth1974 | Example of cap arrangements for the D-15 test,... |
exampleFM100 | Example of cap arrangements for the FM-100 test |
exampleNRC1981 | Example of cap arrangements for the D-15 test,... |
exampleSimunovic2004 | Example of cap arrangements for the D-15 test,... |
FarnsworthD15 | Farnsworth D-15 cap colors |
FarnsworthMunsell100Hue | Farnsworth D-15 cap colors |
GellerTCDS | Table of color distance scores for quantitative scoring of... |
greyscale.avg | Greyscale algorithms |
H16 | Farnsworth H-16 cap colors |
illuminance2troland | Convert from luminance to troland and effective troland |
interpretation.VingrysAndKingSmith | Automatic interpretation of test scores |
LanthonyD15 | Farnsworth H-16 cap colors |
lightAdaptedPupilSize.Barten | pupil diameter ranges from Barten, L. (1999) |
lightAdaptedPupilSize.BlackieAndHowland | pupil diameter ranges from Blackie, C. A., & Howland, H. C.... |
lightAdaptedPupilSize.Crawford | pupil diameter ranges from Crawford, L. (1936) |
lightAdaptedPupilSize.DeGrootAndGebhard | pupil diameter ranges from DeGrootAndGebhard, L. (1952) |
lightAdaptedPupilSize.Holladay | pupil diameter ranges from Holladay, L. (1926) |
lightAdaptedPupilSize.LeGrand | pupil diameter ranges from Le Grand (1992) |
lightAdaptedPupilSize.MoonAndSpencer | pupil diameter ranges from MoonAndSpencer, L. (1944) |
lightAdaptedPupilSize.StanleyAndDavies | pupil diameter ranges from StanleyAndDavies, L. (1995) |
lightAdaptedPupilSize.WatsonAndYellott | pupil diameter ranges from Watson A. B., Yellott J. I. (2012) |
lightAdaptedPupilSize.WinnEtAl | pupil diameter ranges from Winn et al (1995) |
loadPNG | Load a PNG file |
neutralPoint | Neutral points for CIE 1976 uv, CIE 1931 xy and CIE 1960 uv |
plotConfusionVectors | Plot confusion vectors for CIE 1976 uv, CIE 1931 xy and CIE... |
Roth28 | Roth-28 cap colors |
scoreD15Graphic | Graphical score for the D-15 tests |
scoreD15TCDS | Total Color Difference Score (TCDS) for the D-15 tests |
scoreFM100Graphic | Graphical score for the D-15 tests |
scoreRoth28Graphic | Graphical score for the D-15 tests |
showDuplicated | Show missing and duplicated cap numbers |
typicalD15 | Typical cap arrangements for the D-15 tests |
vectorPNGbuttons | Vector of PNG files representing colored caps (buttons) |
VKSgraphic | Graphical score for the D-15 tests |
VKStable2 | Table with results of D-15 tests scored with the Vingrys and... |
XYZ2scotopic.Rawtran | Approximation of the scotopic luminance |
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