BowmanTCDS: Table of color distance scores for quantitative scoring of...

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BowmanTCDS contains the color distance scores for quantitative scoring of the Farnsworth panel D-15 test, from Bowman KJ (1982) The Farnsworth Dichotomous test (D-15) is a short test for detecting congenital color vision deficiencies. Bowman KJ (1982) created a table based on the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (International Commission on Illumination, CIE) Space and Color Difference formula, CIE 1976 (L*a*b*) with perceptual distances between pairs of caps. The table is used for the calculation of the Total Color Distance Score (TCDS) which is the sum of the CIELAB space distances between colored caps.




This data frame contains the following columns:


Distances between colored caps for the pilot cap


Distances between colored caps for the 1st cap


Distances between colored caps for the 2nd cap


Distances between colored caps for the 3rd cap


Distances between colored caps for the 4th cap


Distances between colored caps for the 5th cap


Distances between colored caps for the 6th cap


Distances between colored caps for the 7th cap


Distances between colored caps for the 8th cap


Distances between colored caps for the 9th cap


Distances between colored caps for the 10th cap


Distances between colored caps for the 11th cap


Distances between colored caps for the 12th cap


Distances between colored caps for the 13th cap


Distances between colored caps for the 14th cap


Distances between colored caps for the 15th cap


Jose Gama


Bowman KJ: A method for quantitative scoring of the Farnsworth panel D-15. Acta Ophthalmol 60:907, 1982.


Bowman KJ: A method for quantitative scoring of the Farnsworth panel D-15. Acta Ophthalmol 60:907, 1982.



Example output

   Pilot Cap1 Cap2 Cap3 Cap4 Cap5 Cap6 Cap7 Cap8 Cap9 Cap10 Cap11 Cap12 Cap13
1    0.0  9.4 15.9 21.7 27.5 31.9 39.1 46.4 51.1 49.4  44.3  40.4  37.2  33.3
2    9.4  0.0  6.7 12.5 18.4 22.8 30.5 38.7 44.9 44.4  41.5  38.8  36.7  34.3
3   15.9  6.7  0.0  5.9 11.7 16.1 24.0 32.6 39.7 40.0  38.8  37.0  35.8  34.6
4   21.7 12.5  5.9  0.0  5.9 10.4 18.8 28.1 36.4 37.7  38.3  37.5  37.0  36.9
5   27.5 18.4 11.7  5.9  0.0  4.5 13.3 23.2 32.6 35.0  37.4  37.6  38.0  38.8
6   31.9 22.8 16.1 10.4  4.5  0.0  9.4 19.7 29.9 33.2  37.0  38.0  38.9  40.5
7   39.1 30.5 24.0 18.8 13.3  9.4  0.0 10.5 21.7 26.3  32.7  35.1  37.3  40.3
8   46.4 38.7 32.6 28.1 23.2 19.7 10.5  0.0 12.1 18.4  27.8  31.8  35.3  39.8
9   51.1 44.9 39.7 36.4 32.6 29.9 21.7 12.1  0.0  7.9  19.7  25.2  29.8  35.6
10  49.4 44.4 40.0 37.7 35.0 33.2 26.3 18.4  7.9  0.0  12.2  18.1  23.0  29.3
11  44.3 41.5 38.8 38.3 37.4 37.0 32.7 27.8 19.7 12.2   0.0   6.3  11.5  18.2
12  40.4 38.8 37.0 37.5 37.6 38.0 35.1 31.8 25.2 18.1   6.3   0.0   5.2  11.9
13  37.2 36.7 35.8 37.0 38.0 38.9 37.3 35.3 29.8 23.0  11.5   5.2   0.0   7.0
14  33.3 34.3 34.6 36.9 38.8 40.5 40.3 39.8 35.6 29.3  18.2  11.9   7.0   0.0
15  30.3 33.0 34.6 37.8 40.6 42.9 43.9 44.6 41.4 35.4  24.5  18.2  13.0   6.5
16  23.0 26.5 28.9 32.8 36.4 39.3 41.9 44.3 43.1 38.1  28.6  22.8  18.0  12.2
   Cap14 Cap15
1   30.3  23.0
2   33.0  26.5
3   34.6  28.9
4   37.8  32.8
5   40.6  36.4
6   42.9  39.3
7   43.9  41.9
8   44.6  44.3
9   41.4  43.1
10  35.4  38.1
11  24.5  28.6
12  18.2  22.8
13  13.0  18.0
14   6.5  12.2
15   0.0   7.5
16   7.5   0.0

CVD documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:58 p.m.

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