Man pages for CeRNASeek
Identification and Analysis of ceRNA Regulation

ceRNA.appidentify the miRNAs that co-regulate the gene pairs of...
ceRNA.basicIdentifying miRNA sponge interactions using ceRNA.basic...
ceRNA.cerniaidentifying miRNA sponge interactions using ceRNA.cernia...
ceRNA.cmiidentifying miRNA sponge interactions using ceRNA.cmi...
ceRNA.coridentifying miRNA sponge interactions using ceRNA.cor...
ceRNA.enrichEnrich the biological functions of interest.
ceRNA.Netvisualize and analyze the identified ceRNA-ceRNA network...
ceRNA.survsurvival analysis of ceRNA ternary relationship pairs
datasetData for Examples
surv.plotDraw survival curve
CeRNASeek documentation built on April 29, 2020, 9:37 a.m.