#' IR and NMR Spectra of Serenoa repens (Saw Palmetto) Oil Extracts and
#' Reference Oils
#' A collection of 14 IR and NMR spectra of essential oil extracted from the
#' palm \emph{Serenoa repens} or Saw Palmetto, which is commonly used to treat
#' BPH in men.  The 14 spectra are of different retail samples, and are divided
#' into two categories based upon the label description: adSrE, adulterated
#' extract, and pSrE, pure extract.  The adulterated samples typically have
#' olive oil added to them, which is inactive towards BPH.  There are two
#' additional spectra included as references/outliers: evening primrose oil,
#' labeled EPO in the data set, and olive oil, labeled OO.  These latter two
#' oils are mixtures of triglycerides for the most part, while the SrE samples
#' are largely fatty acids.  As a result, the spectra of these two groups are
#' subtly different.
#' @name SrE.IR
#' @aliases SrE.IR SrE.NMR
#' @docType data
#' @format The data are stored as a \code{\link{Spectra}} object.
#' @source IR data collected in the author's laboratory.  NMR data collected at
#' Purdue University with the generosity and assistance of Prof. Dan Raftery
#' and Mr. Tao Ye.
#' @seealso Additional documentation at \url{https://bryanhanson.github.io/ChemoSpec/}
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' data(SrE.IR)
#' sumSpectra(SrE.IR)
#' data(SrE.NMR)
#' sumSpectra(SrE.NMR)

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