
Defines functions sampleDist

Documented in sampleDist

#' Compute the Distances Between Samples in a Spectra or Spectra2D Object
#' Compute the distances between samples in a \code{\link[ChemoSpec]{Spectra}} or
#' \code{\link[ChemoSpec2D]{Spectra2D}} object. This is a means
#' to quantify the similarity between samples. A heat map style plot is an
#' option.
#' @param spectra `r .writeDoc_Spectra3()`
#' @param method Character.  A string giving the distance method.  See
#' \code{\link{rowDist}} for options.
#' @param plot Logical.  Shall a level plot (heat map) be made?
#' @param \dots `r .writeDoc_GraphicsDots()`
#' @return A numeric matrix giving the distances between the samples.
#' @author `r .writeDoc_Authors("BH")`
#' @seealso For \code{\link[ChemoSpec]{Spectra}} objects, see \code{\link[ChemoSpec]{plotSpectraDist}}
#' which compares all spectra to a single reference spectrum.
#' @keywords hplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # You need to install package "lattice" for this example
#' if (requireNamespace("lattice", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   if (checkForPackageWithVersion("ChemoSpec", 6.0)) {
#'     library("ChemoSpec")
#'     library("lattice")
#'     data(SrE.IR)
#'     SrE.dmatrix <- sampleDist(SrE.IR, # cosine distance bounded on [0...2]
#'       method = "cosine",
#'       main = "SrE.IR Cosine Distance Between Samples"
#'     )
#'     SrE.dmatrix <- sampleDist(SrE.IR, # abspearson distance bounded on [0...1]
#'       method = "abspearson",
#'       main = "SrE.IR Absolute Pearson Distance Between Samples"
#'     )
#'     SrE.dmatrix <- sampleDist(SrE.IR, # euclidean distance unbounded
#'       method = "euclidean",
#'       main = "SrE.IR Euclidean Distance Between Samples"
#'     )
#'   }
#'   if (checkForPackageWithVersion("ChemoSpec2D", 0.5)) {
#'     library("ChemoSpec2D")
#'     library("lattice")
#'     data(MUD1)
#'     MUD1.dmatrix <- sampleDist(MUD1,
#'       method = "cosine",
#'       main = "MUD1 Cosine Distance Between Samples"
#'     )
#'   }
#' }
sampleDist <- function(spectra, method = "pearson", plot = TRUE, ...) {

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ChemoSpecUtils documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:12 a.m.