ChocoLattes package

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Felipe Campelo Operations Research and Complex Systems Laboratory - ORCS Lab Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte, Brazil

R package for extracting and summarising information from the Lattes database of Brazilian Researchers.

This package currently exports four methods:


  1. Download example file (curriculo.xml) from here, and save it to your current working folder.

  2. Convert it to a Lattes list:

library(ChocoLattes) # <-- assuming it is installed, of course
lattes.list <- lattes_to_list(filenames = "curriculo.xml")
  1. Build a productions chart
a <- plot_chart(lattes.list = lattes.list, 
                chart.type  = "ggplot2")

or a full productions page:

make_productions_page(lattes.list = lattes.list, 
                      chart.type  = "plotly", 
                      h1.title    = "Felipe Campelo", 
                      h2.title    = "UFMG, Brazil",
                      language    = "EN")

Have fun!!! Felipe

Try the ChocoLattes package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ChocoLattes documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:24 a.m.