
Defines functions ClusterNodes

Documented in ClusterNodes

#' @title ClusterNodes
#' @aliases ClusterNodes
#' @description Categorize the Nodes into Phi and Phi tilde.
#' @param DiffNet The Differential network from MakeDiffNet
#' @param cutoff.external The cut-off between the clusters (delta from the center to the edge coordinates), the closer to 1, the better.
#' @param cutoff.internal The cut-off inside the clusters (delta from the theoretical cluster to the edge coordinates), the closer to zero, the better.
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%" "%<>%"
#' @importFrom reshape2 dcast
#' @export
#' @examples

#' DiffNet = MakeDiffNet (Data = list(CTR,  AST), Code = c('CTR', 'AST') )
#' Genes_Phi = ClusterNodes(DiffNet, cutoff.external = 0.5, cutoff.internal = 0.25)
#' table(Genes_Phi$Phi_tilde)
ClusterNodes = 
  function(DiffNet, cutoff.external = 0.8, cutoff.internal = 0.5){
    clean = subset(DiffNet, DiffNet$Score_Phi_tilde > cutoff.external & DiffNet$Score_internal < cutoff.internal )
      stop('Please, choose different cut-offs. You have zero nodes to cluster.')
    Nodes = data.frame(Node = clean$Node.1, Phi_tilde = clean$Phi_tilde, Phi = clean$Phi)
    Nodes2 = data.frame(Node = clean$Node.2, Phi_tilde = clean$Phi_tilde, Phi = clean$Phi)
    Nodes = rbind(Nodes, Nodes2)
    NodesPhi_tilde =  reshape2::dcast(Nodes, Node~Phi_tilde, fun.aggregate = length,
                                      value.var = 'Phi_tilde')
    # message('NodesPhi_tilde')
    NodesPhi =  reshape2::dcast(Nodes, Node~Phi, fun.aggregate = length,
                                value.var = 'Phi')
    Chi2 = 1
    Chi = 1
    if (ncol(NodesPhi) > 2){
      #p = apply(NodesPhi[,-1], 2, sum)#/sum(NodesPhi[,-1])
      p = rep((1/(ncol(NodesPhi)-1)), ncol(NodesPhi)-1)
      GP1 = apply(NodesPhi[,-1], 1, function(x){
        y = names(x)[x==max(x)]
        y = ifelse(length(y)>1, 'U', y)
      Chi = apply(NodesPhi[,-1], 1, function(x){
        u = suppressMessages( suppressWarnings( chisq.test(x, p = p, rescale.p = TRUE)$p.value))
        u = ifelse(is.na(u), 0.99, u)
    } else{
      group_rep = names(NodesPhi)[2]
      GP1 = rep(group_rep, nrow(NodesPhi))
    if (ncol(NodesPhi_tilde) > 2){
      GP2 = apply(NodesPhi_tilde[,-1], 1, function(x){
        y = names(x)[x==max(x)]
        y = ifelse(length(y)>1, 'U', y)
      #p = apply(NodesPhi_tilde[,-1], 2, sum)#/sum(NodesPhi_tilde[,-1])
      p = rep((1/(ncol(NodesPhi_tilde)-1)), ncol(NodesPhi_tilde)-1)
      Chi2 = apply(NodesPhi_tilde[,-1], 1, function(x){
        u = suppressWarnings(suppressMessages( chisq.test(x, p=p, rescale.p = TRUE)$p.value))
        u = ifelse(is.na(u), 0.99, u)
    }  else{
      group_rep = names(NodesPhi_tilde)[2]
      GP1 = rep(group_rep, nrow(NodesPhi_tilde))
    NodesPhi_tilde$Phi_tilde = ifelse(p.adjust(Chi2, method = 'BH') < 0.05, GP2, 'U')
    NodesPhi$Phi  = ifelse(p.adjust(Chi, method = 'BH') < 0.05,  GP1, 'U')
    NodesPhi = data.frame(Node = NodesPhi$Node,
                          Phi = NodesPhi$Phi, 
                          pval_Phi = Chi, 
                          Group_pval_Phi = GP1)
    NodesPhi_tilde = data.frame(Node = NodesPhi_tilde$Node,
                                Phi_tilde = NodesPhi_tilde$Phi_tilde,
                                pval_Phi_Tilde = Chi2,
                                Group_pval_Phi_tilde = GP2)
    Out = suppressMessages( plyr::join(NodesPhi, NodesPhi_tilde))
    gp = character(length = length(Out))
    for( i in 1:nrow(Out)){
      gp[i] = strsplit(as.character(Out$Phi_tilde), "[.]")[[i]][1]
    Out$Phi = ifelse(Out$Phi == 'U' & Out$Phi_tilde != 'U', gp, as.character(Out$Phi))

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CoDiNA documentation built on July 15, 2020, 5:07 p.m.