Man pages for CompoundEvents
Statistical Modeling of Compound Events

CompoundEvents-packageStatistical Modeling of Compound Events
DriverLGRAssess potential driving factors of compound dry-hot events.
Empdis1Univariate empirical probability
Empdis2Bivariate empirical probability
GetDCOccurrence of compound dry-cold events
GetDHOccurrence of compound dry-hot events
GetWHOccurrence of compound wet-hot events
ImpactMGImpacts under droughts and hot extremes
LMFDHLikelihood multiplication factor (LMF) or probability...
PredLGRPrediction of compound event occurrences
SCEIStandardized Compound Event Indicator (SCEI)
CompoundEvents documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:42 a.m.