
Defines functions bootcorSE_calc

Documented in bootcorSE_calc

#' @title Calculate bootstrap SE for the Fisher z-scores of correlations
#' @description computes the bootstrap SE of the Fisher z-scores to be used in \code{CorShrink-ML}
#' or \code{CorShrink-VEM}.
#' @param data The samples by features data matrix.
#' @param nboot The number of bootstrap samples.
#' @param cor_method The method of correlation used. May be "pearson", "spearman" or "kendall"
#'                   depending on the type of correlation to be used by the user.
#' @param thresh_up The upward threshold for correlations
#' @param thresh_down The downward threshold for correlations.
#' @param verbose To print the status of Bootstrap runs
#' @return Returns standard errors for fisher z-scores for the correlations.
#' @keywords adaptive shrinkage, correlation
#' @examples
#' data("sample_by_feature_data")
#' zscoreSDmat <- bootcorSE_calc(sample_by_feature_data, verbose = FALSE)
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt dcast
#' @export

bootcorSE_calc <- function(data, nboot = 50,
                           thresh_up = 0.999,
                           thresh_down = 0.001, verbose = TRUE){

    cor_method = "pearson"
    if(length(cor_method) > 1){
      stop("cor_method must be either `pearson`, `kendall` or `spearman`")
      if(!(cor_method %in% c("pearson", "spearman", "kendall"))){
        stop("cor_method must be either `pearson`, `kendall` or `spearman`")

  boot_mat <- matrix(0, nboot, dim(data)[2]*(dim(data)[2]-1))

  for(num in 1:nboot){
    boot_indices <- sample(1:dim(data)[1], dim(data)[1], replace = TRUE)
    data_boot <- data[boot_indices,]
    cor_sample_boot <- cor(data_boot,
                           method = cor_method,
                           use = "pairwise.complete.obs")

    cor_table_boot <- reshape2::melt(cor_sample_boot);
    cor_table_non_diag_boot <- cor_table_boot[which(cor_table_boot[,1] != cor_table_boot[,2]),];

    cor_table_non_diag_boot.val <- cor_table_non_diag_boot[,3];
    cor_table_non_diag_boot.val[which(cor_table_non_diag_boot.val>= thresh_up)] = thresh_up
    cor_table_non_diag_boot.val[which(cor_table_non_diag_boot.val<= thresh_down)] = thresh_down


    boot_mat[num, ] <- cor_transform_mean_vec_boot
      cat("Finished Bootstrap :", num, "\n")

  sd_boot <- apply(boot_mat, 2, function(x) return(sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)))
  dt <- cbind.data.frame(cor_table_non_diag_boot[,1:2], sd_boot)
  temp <- reshape2::dcast(dt, Var1 ~ Var2)
  sd_boot_mat <- temp[,-1]
  rownames(sd_boot_mat)  <- temp[,1]
  diag(sd_boot_mat) <- 1
  sd_boot_mat[is.na(sd_boot_mat)] <- 10^7

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CorShrink documentation built on July 13, 2018, 1 a.m.