Man pages for Corbi
Collection of Rudimentary Bioinformatics Tools

best_subnetsThe best subnetworks
columnExtract a column from a matrix
Corbi-packageCorbi - Collection of Rudimentary Bioinformatics Tools
extend_subnetsExtend subnetworks from smaller subnetworks
get_adjusted_deg_diffCalculate adjusted degree differences for given network
get_diff_ratio_netConstruct differential expression ratio network
get_ratio_distributionCalculate expression ratio distribution
get_ratio_distribution2Calculate expression ratio distribution
get_ratio_varianceCalculate expression ratio variances
get_shortest_distancesCalculate shortest distances of unweighted network
get_subnetsAll subnetworks of limited size
kappa_scoreCohen's kappa score
make_DEG_dataSimulate differentially expressed gene data (Gaussian)
make_DEG_data2Simulate differentially expressed gene data (Negative...
make_DEG_patternSimulate differentially expressed gene pattern
net_alignNetwork alignment method based on conditional random fields
netDEGnetDEG: Differentially expressed gene identification method
netDEG_pvalueCalculate netDEG p-values
net_queryNetwork querying method based on conditional random fields
nnzeroThe number of non-zero values of a submatrix
p_combineCalculate combined p-value
pmultihyperThe Multivariate Hypergeometric Distribution
pmultinomThe Multinomial Distribution
read_netRead network information from text file
rmultihyperThe Multivariate Hypergeometric Distribution
simulate_dropoutSimulate dropout expression data
simulate_dropout2Simulate dropout expression data
simulate_sample_groupsSimulate sample groups from given samples with labels
submatrixExtract a submatrix from a matrix
URG_getFactorCalculate normalization factors for URG method
URG_normalizeNormalize using given factors
write_netWrite network information to text file
Corbi documentation built on May 30, 2022, 5:06 p.m.