
# Test that the odk2openVA produces errors and returns warnings when
# appropriate (e.g., faulty inputs, NAs in output).

context("Test error occurs raised with faulty input.")

test_that("odk2openVA produces errors with faulty input data.", {

    ## version 1.5.1
    record_f_name151 <- system.file("sample",
                                    package = "CrossVA")
    records151 <- read.csv(record_f_name151, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    badRecords151 <- records151[, -4] ## take out ID10004 (wet/dry season)

                 "Problem with data: please add above columns to your data frame")

    ## version 1.4.1
    record_f_name141 <- system.file("sample",
                                    package = "CrossVA")
    records141 <- read.csv(record_f_name141, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    badRecords141 <- records141[, -4] ## take out ID10004 (wet/dry season)

                 "Problem with data: please add above columns to your data frame")

    ## version 2014
    record_f_name2014 <- system.file("sample",
                                    package = "CrossVA")
    records2014 <- read.csv(record_f_name2014, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    badRecords2014 <- records2014[, -6] ## take out Id1A220 (is the date of death known)

                 "Problem with data: please add above columns to your data frame")


test_that("odk2openVA raises warning with NAs in output.", {

    ## version 1.5.1
    record_f_name151 <- system.file("sample",
                                    package = "CrossVA")
    records151 <- read.csv(record_f_name151, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    records151[1, 41] <- "not_a_number" ## ageInYears2

                   "unexpected input")

    ## version 1.4.1
    record_f_name141 <- system.file("sample",
                                    package = "CrossVA")
    records141 <- read.csv(record_f_name141, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    records141[1, 21] <- "not_a_number" ## ageInYears

                   "unexpected input")

    ## version 2014
    record_f_name2014 <- system.file("sample",
                                    package = "CrossVA")
    records2014 <- read.csv(record_f_name2014, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    records2014[1, 9] <- "not_a_number" ## ageInYears

                   "unexpected input")


## warning that all values in a column (row?) are missing
## checks on age, sex

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CrossVA documentation built on Aug. 11, 2021, 1:06 a.m.