Man pages for CryptRndTest
Statistical Tests for Cryptographic Randomness

adaptive.chi.squareAdaptive Chi-Square Test
birthday.spacingsBirthday Spacings Test
book.stackBook Stack Test
CryptRndTest-internalFunctions for internal use only
CryptRndTest-packageStatistical Tests for Cryptographic Randomness
GCDGreatest Common Divisor
GCD.bigGreatest Common Divisor for Large Integers
GCD.qGreatest Common Divisor
GCD.testGCD Test
print.CryptRndTestPrint Test Results
random.walk.testsRandom Walk Tests
Strlng2Stirling Number of The Second Kind
TBT.criticalValueCritical value for Topological Binary Test
toBaseTenConvert form Base 2 to 10
toBaseTwoConvert form Base 10 to 2
topological.binaryTopological Binary Test
CryptRndTest documentation built on April 22, 2022, 9:07 a.m.