Man pages for DCG
Data Cloud Geometry (DCG): Using Random Walks to Find Community Structure in Social Network Analysis

as.SimilarityMatrixConvert a matrix to a similarity matrix....
as.symmetricAdjacencyMatrixconvert to a symmetric adjacency matrix
getEigenvalueListgenerate eigenvalues for all ensemble matrices...
getEnsgenerate ensemble matrix 'getEns' get ensemble matrix from...
getEnsListgenerating a list of ensemble matrices based on the...
GetSim'GetSim' get similarity matrix from a distance matrix
monkeyGroomingGrooming network data
plotCLUSTERSgenerate tree plots for each ensemble matrix 'plotCLUSTERS'...
plotMultiEigenvaluesplot eigenvalues 'plotMultiEigenvalues' plot eigenvalues to...
plotTheClustergenerate tree plots for selected ensemble matrix 'plotTrees'...
temperatureSamplegenerate temperatures 'temperatureSample' generate tempatures...
DCG documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:12 a.m.