Man pages for DDD
Diversity-Dependent Diversification

bd_loglikLoglikelihood for diversity-independent diversification model
bd_MLMaximization of the loglikelihood under the...
brts2phyloFunction to convert a set of branching times into a phylogeny...
convFunction to do convolution of two vectors
DDD-packageDDD: Diversity-Dependent Diversification
dd_KI_loglikLoglikelihood for diversity-dependent diversification models...
dd_KI_MLMaximization of the loglikelihood under a diversity-dependent...
dd_KI_simFunction to simulate a key innovation in macro-evolution with...
dd_loglikLoglikelihood for diversity-dependent diversification models
dd_LRBootstrap likelihood ratio test of diversity-dependent...
dd_MLMaximization of the loglikelihood under a diversity-dependent...
dd_MS_loglikLoglikelihood for macro-evolutionary succession under...
dd_MS_MLMaximization of the loglikelihood under a diversity-dependent...
dd_MS_simFunction to simulate the macro-evolutionary succession...
dd_multiple_KI_loglikLoglikelihood for diversity-dependent diversification models...
dd_simFunction to simulate the diversity-dependent diversification...
dd_SR_loglikLoglikelihood for diversity-dependent diversification models...
dd_SR_MLMaximization of the loglikelihood under a diversity-dependent...
dd_SR_simFunction to simulate the diversity-dependent diversification...
L2brtsFunction to convert a table with speciation and extinction...
L2phyloFunction to convert a table with speciation and extinction...
optimizerCarries out optimization (finding a minimum)
phylo2LFunction to convert phylogeny to a table with speciation and...
rng_respecting_sampleSampling in which zero probabilities are removed
roundnRounds up in the usual manner
sample2Takes samples in the usual manner
simplexCarries out optimization using a simplex algorithm (finding a...
td_simSimulation of a diversity-dependent-like time-dependent...
transform_parsTransforming parameters from -Inf to Inf into parameters from...
untransform_parsUntransforming parameters from -1 to 1 into parameters from...
DDD documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:25 p.m.