Man pages for DDIwR
DDI with R

convertConverts a dataset from one statistical software to another
DDI-childrenAdd/remove/change one or more children or attributes from a...
DDIwR_internalDDIwR internal functions
DDIwR_packageUseful functions for various DDI (Data Documentation...
exportDDIExport a DDI Codebook to an XML file.
getMetadataExtract metadata information
makeCategoriesCreate the 'catgry' elements for a particular variable
makeDataNotesCreate a 'notes' element for the dataset.
makeElementMake a DDI Codebook element
recodeCharcatRecode character categorical variables
recodeMissingsConsistent recoding of (extended) missing values
searchForSearch for key words
setupfileCreate setup files for SPSS, Stata, SAS and R
showDetailsDescribe what a DDI element is
testValidValidate a DDI element.
updateCodebookUpdate Codebook.
DDIwR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:24 a.m.