exportDDI: Export to a DDI metadata file

exportDDIR Documentation

Export to a DDI metadata file


Create a DDI Codebook version 2.5, XML file structure.


  file = "",
  embed = TRUE,
  OS = "",
  indent = 4,
  monolang = FALSE,
  xmlang = "en",
  xmlns = "",



A list object containing the metadata, or a path to a directory where these objects are located, for batch processing


either a character string naming a file or a connection open for writing. "" indicates output to the console


Logical, embed the CSV datafile in the XML file, if present


The target operating system, for the eol - end of line character(s)


Indent width, in number of spaces


Logical, monolang or multilingual document


ISO two letter code for the language used in the DDI elements


Character, namespace for the XML file (ignored if already present in the codebook object)


Other arguments, mainly for internal use


#' The information object can either be a data file (includign an R data frame) or a list having two main list components:

  • fileDscr, if the data is provided in a subcomponent named datafile

  • dataDscr, having as many components as the number of variables in the (meta)data. For each variable, there should a mandatory subcomponent called label (that contains the variable's label) and, if the variable is of a categorical type, another subcomponent called labels.

Additional informations about the variables can be specified as further subcomponents, combining DDI specific data but also other information that might not be covered by DDI:

  • measurement is the equivalent of the specific DDI attribute nature of the var element, which accepts these values: "nominal", "ordinal", "interval", "ratio", "percent", and "other".

  • type is useful for multiple reasons. A first one, if the variable is numerical, is to differentiate between discrete and continuous values of the attribute intrvl from the same DDI element var. Another reason is to help identifying pure string variables (containing text), when the subcomponent type is equal to "char". It is also used for the subelement varFormat of the element var. Finally, another reason is to differentiate between pure categorical ("cat") and pure numerical ("num") variables, as well as mixed ones, among which "numcat" referring to a numerical variable with very few values (such as the number of children), for which it is possible to also produce a table of frequencies along the numerical summaries. There are also categorical variables that can be interpreted as numeric ("catnum"), such as a Likert type response scale with 7 values, where numerical summaries are also routinely performed along with the usual table of frequencies.

  • missing is an important subcomponent, indicating which of the values in the variable are going to be treated as missing values, and it is going to be exported as the attribute missing of the DDI subelement catgry.

There are many more possible attributes and DDI elements to be added in the information object, future versions of this function will likely expand.

For the moment, only DDI codebook version 2.5 is exported, and DDI Lifecycle is planned for future releases.

Argument xmlang expects a two letter ISO country coding, for instance "en" to indicate English, or "ro" to indicate Romanian etc.

If the document is monolang, this argument is placed a single time for the entire document, in the attributes of the codeBook element. For multilingual documents, it is placed in the attributes of various other (sub)elements, for instance abstract as an obvious one, or the study title, name of the distributing institution, variable labels etc.

The argument OS can be either:
"windows" (default), or "Windows", "Win", "win",
"MacOS", "Darwin", "Apple", "Mac", "mac",
"Linux", "linux".

The end of line separator changes only when the target OS is different from the running OS.

The argument indent controls how many spaces will be used in the XML file, to indent the different subelements.

A small number of required DDI specific elements and attributes have generic default values but they may be specified using the three dots ... argument. For the current version, these are: IDNo, titl, agency, URI (for the holdings element), distrbtr, abstract and level (for the otherMat element).


An XML file containing a DDI version 2.5 metadata.


Adrian Dusa

See Also



codeBook <- list(dataDscr = list(
ID = list(
    label = "Questionnaire ID",
    type = "num",
    measurement = "interval"
V1 = list(
    label = "Label for the first variable",
    labels = c(
        "No"             =  0,
        "Yes"            =  1,
        "Not applicable" = -97,
        "Not answered"   = -99),
    na_values = c(-99, -97),
    type = "cat",
    measurement = "nominal"
V2 = list(
    label = "Label for the second variable",
    labels = c(
        "Very little"    =  1,
        "Little"         =  2,
        "So, so"         =  3,
        "Much"           =  4,
        "Very much"      =  5,
        "Don't know"     = -98),
    na_values = c(-98),
    type = "cat",
    measurement = "ordinal"
V3 = list(
    label = "Label for the third variable",
    labels = c(
        "First answer"   = "A",
        "Second answer"  = "B",
        "Don't know"     = -98),
    na_values = c(-98),
    type = "cat",
    measurement = "nominal"
V4 = list(
    label = "Number of children",
    labels = c(
        "Don't know"     = -98,
        "Not answered"   = -99),
    na_values = c(-99, -98),
    type = "numcat",
    measurement = "ratio"
V5 = list(
    label = "Political party reference",
    type = "char",
    txt = "When the respondent indicated his political party reference,
        his/her open response was recoded on a scale of 1-99 with parties
        with a left-wing orientation coded on the low end of the scale and
        parties with a right-wing orientation coded on the high end of the
        scale. Categories 90-99 were reserved miscellaneous responses."

## Not run: 
exportDDI(codeBook, file = "codebook.xml")

# using a namespace
exportDDI(codeBook, file = "codebook.xml", xmlns = "ddi")

## End(Not run)

DDIwR documentation built on Oct. 1, 2023, 5:06 p.m.

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