runVoom: Run functions in a typical voom/lmFit workflow

View source: R/runVoom.R

runVoomR Documentation

Run functions in a typical voom/lmFit workflow


In the default workflow, this function runs voomWithQualityWeights followed by lmFit and optionally eBayes. If the contrasts of interest are already represented in the model, enable eBayes. To use downstream, run eBayes after that step instead. eBayes should always be run last.


  runDupCorTwice = TRUE,
  qualityWeights = TRUE,,
  mvPlot = TRUE,
  runEBayes = TRUE,
  robust = TRUE,
  proportion = 0.01



A DGEobj containing a DGEList (e.g. from runEdgeRNorm) or counts (Required)


Name of a design matrix within dgeObj. (Required)


Supply a block argument to trigger duplicateCorrelation. (Optional) Should be a vector the same length as ncol with values to indicate common group membership for duplicateCorrelation. Also, 'statmod' package must be installed to run duplicate correlation calculations.


Default = TRUE. Gordon Smyth recommends running duplicateCorrelation twice. Set this to false to run duplicateCorrelation just once.


Runs limma's voomWithQualityWeights() if set to TRUE (Default = TRUE). This should normally be set to TRUE.

Provide a design matrix (from model.matrix) to identify replicate groups (e.g. "~ ReplicateGroup") for quality weight determination. Causes quality weights to be determined on a group basis. If omitted limma's voomWithQualityWeights() treats each sample individually.


Enables the voom mean-variance plot. (Default = TRUE)


Runs eBayes after lmFit. (Default = TRUE) Note, 'statmod' package must be installed to run eBayes calculations.


Used by eBayes. (Default = TRUE) Note, 'statmod' package must be installed to run eBayes calculations.


Proportion of genes expected to be differentially expressed (used by eBayes) (Default = 0.01) Modify the prior accordingly if the 1st pass analysis shows a significantly higher or lower proportion of genes regulated than the default.


Input is minimally a DGEobj containing a DGEList (which is typically TMM-normalized) and a formula (character representation). If a DGEList is missing on the object the counts are used as-is. Other arguments can invoke the duplicateCorrelation method and modify use of quality weights.

Returns a DGEobj class object containing the VoomElist (voom output), and Fit object (lmFit output).

Quality weights should be enabled unless there is a good reason to turn them off. If all samples are equal quality, the weights will all approach 1.0 with no consequence on the results. More typically, some samples are better than others and using quality weights improves the overall result.

Use if the quality weights are correlated with some factor in the experiment. This will cause the quality weights to be calculated as a group instead of individually.

Use duplicate correlation (dupCorBlock) when there are subjects that have been sampled more than once (e.g. before and after some treatment). This calculates a within- subject correlation and includes this in the model.


A DGEobj now containing designMatrix, Elist, and fit object.


## Not run: 
  # NOTE: Requires the limma package

   dgeObj <- readRDS(system.file("exampleObj.RDS", package = "DGEobj"))
   for (name in names(dgeObj)[11:length(dgeObj)]) {
       dgeObj <- DGEobj::rmItem(dgeObj, name)

   dgeObj <- runVoom(dgeObj,
                     designMatrixName = "ReplicateGroupDesign",
                     mvPlot = TRUE)

   # Note the Elist and fit objects have been added

## End(Not run)

DGEobj.utils documentation built on May 20, 2022, 1:08 a.m.