
Defines functions get_dssat_version

#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%"
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
get_dssat_version <- function(){

  dssat_csm <- options()$DSSAT.CSM

  if(is.null(dssat_csm) || length(dssat_csm) == 0 || dssat_csm == '' ){

    sys_info <- Sys.info()

      os <- NULL
      root_dir = ''
      os <- sys_info['sysname']
      if(os == 'Windows'){
        root_dir <- 'C:/'
        root_dir <- '/'

    version <- '48'

    warning("Missing value for DSSAT.CSM within options().\n",
            "DSSAT version is assumed to be 4.8. Please use\n\n",
            "  options(DSSAT.CSM=\"",root_dir,
            " to set the proper location and file name for DSSAT-CSM.\n")


    version <- dssat_csm %>%
      basename() %>%




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DSSAT documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:19 p.m.