
Defines functions get_similar_songs_algorithm

Documented in get_similar_songs_algorithm

#' @title Get Similar Songs Algorithm
#' @name get_similar_songs_algorithm
#' @description This function finds the most similar songs based on related artists.
#' @author Alberto AlmuiƱa
#' @param artist_name String of artist name
#' @param artist_track String of artst track
#' @param access_token Spotify Web API token. Defaults to DSpoty::get_spotify_access_token()
#' @return
#' Returns a data frame with the tracks information
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_similar_songs_algorithm('Leiva', 'Nuclear')
#' }

get_similar_songs_algorithm<-function(artist_name, artist_track,
                                      access_token = DSpoty::get_spotify_access_token()){

  artist_uri<-DSpoty::get_artist(artist_name = artist_name) %>% .$artist_uri

  rel_artists<-DSpoty::get_related_artists(artist_uri = artist_uri)

  tracks_rel<-map_df(seq(length(rel_artists)), function(this_artist){



  tracks_features_rel<-map_df(seq(length(rel_artists)), function(this_artist){



  tracks_features_rel<-inner_join(tracks_features_rel, tracks_rel, by='track_uri') %>% select(1:15)

  tracks_features_rel<- tracks_features_rel %>% filter(., !duplicated(tolower(track_name)))

  features<-DSpoty::get_artist_tracks_features(artist_name = artist_name)

  track<-DSpoty::get_artist_tracks(artist_name = artist_name) %>% .[.$track_name == artist_track,] %>% .$track_uri


                  tracks_features_rel[,2:14], by = 'track_uri')

    d<-dist(df) %>% as.matrix() %>% as.data.frame() %>%
      apply(., 2, order, decreasing = TRUE) %>% as.data.frame() %>% .[1:10,1]

    top_similar_songs<-inner_join(tracks_rel[d,], rel_artists, by = 'artist_uri') %>%
      select('artist_name', 'track_name', 'spotify_url', 'track_mp3_30s', 'url_img')




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DSpoty documentation built on March 26, 2020, 7:13 p.m.