Coord_comparison: Raster coordinates comparison

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) Examples

View source: R/Coord_comparison.R


This function compares three characteristics from two rasters: coordinates, resolution, and number of layers (if the rasters have more than one) from two different rasters stacks, and let to know if they are using the same geographical information, or if a new set-up should be done.





raster or data frame. If it is a data frame, it should contain in the first two columns, the X, Y coordinates for every point, in GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES, the third column and so on should have the variable values, and optionally, the header should have the date, using the format %m/%Y.


raster or data frame. If it is a data frame, it should contain in the first two columns, the X, Y coordinates for every point, in GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES, the third column and so on should have the variable values, and optionally, the header should have the date, using the format %m/%Y.


It prints on console whether the two rasters are on the same coordinates or not, and return a boolean, TRUE if the rasters are on the same coordinates, and FALSE if not.


Pedro Felipe Arboleda Obando <>
Nicolas Duque Gardeazabal <>
Carolina Vega Viviescas <>
David Zamora <>

Water Resources Engineering Research Group - GIREH Universidad Nacional de Colombia - sede Bogota



DWBmodelUN documentation built on Aug. 18, 2020, 9:06 a.m.