Man pages for DataCombine
Tools for Easily Combining and Cleaning Data Sets

CasesTableCreate reports cases after listwise deletion of missing...
changeCalculate the changes (absolute, percent, and proportion)...
CountSpellCount spells, including for grouped data
dMergeMerges 2 data frames and report/drop/keeps only duplicates.
DropNADrop rows from a data frame with missing values on a given...
FillDownFills in missing (NA) values with the previous non-missing...
FillInA function for filling in missing values of a variable from...
FindDupsFind duplicated values in a data frame and subset it to...
FindReplaceReplace multiple patterns found in a character string column...
grepl.subSubset a data frame if a specified pattern is found in a...
InsertRowInserts a new row into a data frame
MoveFrontMove variables to the front of a data frame.
NaVarCreate new variable(s) indicating if there are missing values...
PercChangeCalculate the percentage change from a specified lag,...
rmExceptRemove all objects from a workspace except those specified by...
shiftA function for creating lag and lead variables.
shiftMAInternal function for slideMA
slideA function for creating lag and lead variables, including for...
slideMACreate a moving average for a period before or after each...
SpreadDummySpread a dummy variable (1's and 0') over a specified time...
StartEndFind the starting and ending time points of a spell
TimeExpandExpands a data set so that it includes an observation for...
TimeFillCreates a continuous Unit-Time-Dummy data frame from a data...
VarDropDrop one or more variables from a data frame.
DataCombine documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:26 a.m.