Man pages for DeclareDesign
Declare and Diagnose Research Designs

cite_designObtain the preferred citation for a design
compare_diagnosesCompare Diagnoses
compare_functionsCompare two designs
declare_assignmentDeclare Data Strategy: Assignment
declare_designDeclare a design
DeclareDesignDeclareDesign package
DeclareDesign-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'DeclareDesign'.
declare_diagnosandsDeclare diagnosands
declare_estimatorDeclare estimator
declare_inquiryDeclare inquiry
declare_measurementDeclare measurement procedure
declare_modelDeclare the size and features of the population
declare_populationDeclare the size and features of the population
declare_potential_outcomesDeclare potential outcomes
declare_revealDeclare a reveal outcomes step
declare_samplingDeclare sampling procedure
declare_stepDeclare a custom step
declare_testDeclare test
diagnose_designDiagnose the design
diagnosis_helpersExplore your design diagnosis
draw_functionsDraw data, estimates, and inquiries from a design
editOverride environment via shim
expand_conditionsExpand assignment conditions
expand_designDeclare a design via a designer
get_functionsGet estimates, inquiries, assignment vectors, or samples from...
modify_designModify a design after the fact
pop.varPopulation variance function
post_designExplore your design
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
reshape_diagnosisClean up a diagnosis object for printing
run_designRun a design one time
set_citationSet the citation of a design
set_diagnosandsSet the diagnosands for a design
simulate_designSimulate a design
tidy.diagnosisTidy diagnosis
tidy_tryTidy Model Results and Filter to Relevant Coefficients
DeclareDesign documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:10 a.m.