Man pages for DiagTest3Grp
Diagnostic test summary measures for three ordinal groups

ALAlzheimer's disease neuropsychometric marker dataset
bootSampleDraw a bootstrap sample from a given vector of data values
BW.refCalculate the bandwidth (normal reference rule and...
CI.normalProvide the lower and upper limit of a normal confidence...
DiagTest3Grp-internalInternal DiagTest3Grp functions
DiagTest3Grp-packageDiagnostic test summary measures for three ordinal groups
DiagTest3Grp.TestStatistical test on the summary measure (VUS or Youden)...
empirical.cdfEmpirical cumulative density function estimation
FisherZFisher's Z transformation
FisherZ.VarCalculate the variance of an estimator after Fisher's Z...
KernelSmoothing.cdfKernel smoothing cumulative density function (CDF)
NonParametric.VUSNonparametric estimate of volumn under ROC surface (VUS)
NonParametric.VUS.varBoostrap variance of the nonparametric estimate on volumn...
Normal.VUSVolume under ROC surface (VUS) and partial VUS estimate and...
Pairwise.DiagTest3Grp.TestDo pairwise statistical test on the summary measure (VUS or...
plot.DiagTest3GrpScatter plot and boxplot on an object of class DiagTest3Grp
print.DiagTest3GrpPrint an object of class DiagTest3Grp
SampleSize.VUSSample size for volume under surface (VUS)
SampleSize.Youden3GrpSample size for the extended Youden index for three ordinal...
Sp.Sm.SeObtain empirical estimation of the three correct...
var.muVariance estimate of the sample estimate for a normal mean...
var.sigmaVariance of a sample estimate for a normal standard deviation...
VUSA wrapper function for Volume under Surface (VUS) estimate,...
VUS.CutPointFind the optimal cut-points in volumn under ROC surface (VUS)...
Youden3GrpThe wrapper function for Youden index analysis
Youden3Grp.OptimalCutoff.Normal.trueMeanSDThe Youden index and optimal cut point estimation under...
Youden3Grp.PointEstProvide point estimates for the extended Youden index, the...
Youden3Grp.Variance.BootstrapObtain bootstrap variance and confidence itnerval on the...
Youden3Grp.Variance.NormalVariance estimations for the extended Youden index and...
DiagTest3Grp documentation built on April 14, 2017, 5:53 p.m.