Man pages for DiceDesign
Designs of Computer Experiments

DiceDesign-packageDesigns of Computer Experiments
discrepancyCriteriaDiscrepancy measure
discrepESE_LHSEnhanced Stochastic Evolutionnary (ESE) algorithm for Latin...
discrepSA_LHSSimulated annealing (SA) routine for Latin Hypercube Sample...
dmaxDesignMaximum Entropy Designs
factDesignFull Factorial Designs
faureprimeDesignA special case of the low discrepancy Faure sequence
lhsDesignLatin Hypercube Designs
maximinESE_LHSEnhanced Stochastic Evolutionnary (ESE) algorithm for Latin...
maximinSA_LHSSimulated annealing (SA) routine for Latin Hypercube Sample...
meshRatioMeshRatio measure
mindistMindist measure
mstCriteriaDeriving the MST criteria
nolhDesignCioppa's Nearly Orthogonal Latin Hypercube Designs
NOLHdesignsList of Cioppa's Nearly Orthogonal Latin Hypercubes designs
nolhdrDesignDe Rainville's Nearly Orthogonal Latin Hypercube Designs
NOLHDRdesignsList of De Rainville's Nearly Orthogonal Latin Hypercubes...
OA131A 3D orthogonal array of strength 2
OA131_scrambledA scrambled 3D orthogonal array of strength 2
olhDesignNguyen's Orthogonal Latin Hypercube Designs
phiPphiP criterion
rss2d2D graphical tool for defect detection of Space-Filling...
rss3d3D graphical tool for defect detection of Space-Filling...
runif.faureLow discrepancy sequence : Faure
scaleDesignScale a Design
straussDesignDesigns based on Strauss process
unif.test.quantileQuantile of some uniformity tests
unif.test.statisticStatistic of some uniformity tests
unscaleDesignUnscale a Design
wspDesignWSP algorithm
xDRDNExtract a Design and Give it a Range and Dimnames
DiceDesign documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:35 a.m.