Man pages for DstarM
Analyze Two Choice Reaction Time Data with the D*M Method

chisqCalculates the distance between two probability densities.
chisqFitCalculate model fit
DensityDensity function
estCdfEstimate cumulative distribution for D*M models
estDstarMDo a D*M analysis
estNDEstimate nondecision density
estObservedEstimate observed data density
estQdfEstimate quantiles of distribution
getPdfs(Re)Calculate model densities with given parameters and time...
getSterEstimate variance of nondecision density
getTerCalculate Mean of the nondecision distribution.
normalizeNormalize two pdfs
obsQuantilesCalculate model fit
plotObservedPlot quantiles of data against model implied quantiles.
rtDescriptivesDescriptives of reaction time data
rtHistMake histograms of reaction time data
simDataSimulate data from a given density function via multinomial...
testFunTest fun.density with lower and upper bounds
upgradeDstarMUpgrade a DstarM object for backwards compatibility
Voss.densityCalculate model density for a given set of parameters
DstarM documentation built on Aug. 29, 2020, 1:06 a.m.