
Defines functions QICWwgee MLICwgee ELCICwgee ELCICgee ELCICglm

Documented in ELCICgee ELCICglm ELCICwgee MLICwgee QICWwgee

#'@title Variable selection based on ELCIC under the syntax of GLM (Main function).
#'@description The function \code{\link{ELCICglm}} provides the variable selection under the syntax of the GLM package.
#'@usage ELCICglm(models, data, family)
#'@param models A list of formulas. See the corresponding documentation to glm.
#'@param data A data frame containing the variables in the model.
#'@param family A description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model.
#'The details are given under "Details".
#'@return A list with two items: model selection results based on ELCIC, AIC, BIC, and GIC;
#'An object of "glm" based on the selected model.
#'@details Three commonly used distributions are considered: "gaussian", "poisson", "binomial".
#'For the current package, the identity link is considered for a "gaussian" distribution;
#'the log link is considered for a "poisson" distribution; the logit link is considered for a "binomial" distribution;
#'## tests
#'# load data
#'dat <- data.frame(y=glmsimdata$y, glmsimdata$x) ####x is a covariate matrix.
#'models <- list(y~x1, y~x1+x2, y~x1+x2+x3)
#'output<-ELCICglm(models, dat, poisson())
#'@importFrom stats poisson binomial gaussian model.response model.frame model.matrix

ELCICglm <- function(models, data, family)
    if (!inherits(family, "family"))
        stop("dist must be an object of type 'family'")
    dist <- family$family
    if (!is.list(models))
        models <- list(models)
    y <- model.response(model.frame(models[[1]], data))
    l <- lapply(models, function(li) m <- model.matrix(li, data))
    name.var.sets <- lapply(l, colnames)
    dat <- do.call(cbind, l)
    dat <- dat[,!duplicated(colnames(dat))]
    ci <- ELCIC.glm(x=dat, y=y, name.var.sets = name.var.sets, dist=dist)
    attr(ci, "formula") <- models
    attr(ci, "type") <- "glm"
    class(ci) <- "elcic"


    ##fit glm based on ELCIC
    fit.glm<-glm(models[[which.min(ci[1,])]], data, family=family)


#'@title Model selection based on ELCIC under the syntax of GEE (Main function).
#'@description The function \code{\link{ELCICgee}} provides the model selection under the syntax of the geepack package.
#'@usage ELCICgee(models, candidate.cor.sets,data, family,r,id,time)
#'@param models A list of formulas. See the corresponding documentation to geeglm.
#'@param candidate.cor.sets A vector containing candidate correlation structures. It can be any subset of c("independence","exchangeable", "ar1").
#'@param data A data frame containing the variables in the model.
#'@param family A description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model.
#'The details are given under "Details".
#'@param r A vector indicating the observation of data: 1 for observed records (both outcome and covariates are observed for a given subject), and 0 for unobserved records.
#'The default setup is that all data are observed.
#'@param id A vector indicating subject id.
#'@param time The number of observations in total for each subject.
#'@return A list with two items: model selection result based on ELCIC;
#'An object of "geeglm" based on the selected model.
#'@details Three commonly used distributions are considered: "gaussian", "poisson", "binomial".
#'For the current package, the identity link is considered for a "gaussian" distribution;
#'the log link is considered for a "poisson" distribution; the logit link is considered for a "binomial" distribution;
#'## tests
#'# load data
#'dat <- data.frame(y=geesimdata$y, geesimdata$x,id=id)
#'models <- list(y~x1+x2)
#'output<-ELCICgee(models, candidate.cor.sets,data=dat,family,r,id,time)

ELCICgee <- function(models, candidate.cor.sets,data, family,r,id,time)
    if (!inherits(family, "family"))
        stop("dist must be an object of type 'family'")
    dist <- family$family
    if (!is.list(models))
        models <- list(models)
    y <- model.response(model.frame(models[[1]], data))
    l <- lapply(models, function(li) m <- model.matrix(li, data))
    name.var.sets <- lapply(l, colnames)
    dat <- do.call(cbind, l)
    dat <- dat[,!duplicated(colnames(dat))]
    ci <- ELCIC.gee(x=dat,y=y,r=r,id=id,time=time,

    attr(ci, "formula") <- models
    attr(ci, "type") <- "gee"
    class(ci) <- "elcic"


    ##fit gee based on ELCIC
    fit.gee<-geeglm(models[[which(ci==min(ci),arr.ind = TRUE)[2]]],data=data,family =family,id=id,
                    corstr = candidate.cor.sets[which(ci==min(ci),arr.ind = TRUE)[1]])


#'@title Model selection based on ELCIC under the syntax of WGEE (Main function).
#'@description The function \code{\link{ELCICwgee}} provides the model selection under the syntax of the wgeesel package.
#'@usage ELCICwgee(models, candidate.cor.sets, data, model_mis, family,r,id,time)
#'@param models A list of formulas. See corresponding documentation to wgeesel.
#'@param candidate.cor.sets A vector containing candidate correlation structures. It can be any subset of c("independence","exchangeable", "ar1").
#'@param data A data frame containing the variables in both the main model and the missing model.
#'@param model_mis A formula used in the missing data model.
#'@param family A description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model.
#'The details are given under "Details".
#'@param r A vector indicating the observation of data: 1 for observed records (both outcome and covariates are observed for a given subject),
#'and 0 for unobserved records.
#'The default setup is that all data are observed.
#'@param id A vector indicating subject id.
#'@param time The number of observations in total for each subject.
#'@return A list with two items: model selection result based on ELCIC;
#'An object of "wgee" based on the selected model.
#'@details Three commonly used distributions are considered: "gaussian", "poisson", "binomial".
#'For the current package, the identity link is considered for a "gaussian" distribution;
#'the log link is considered for a "poisson" distribution; the logit link is considered for a "binomial" distribution;n;
#'## tests
#'# load data
#'dat <- data.frame(y=wgeesimdata$y, wgeesimdata$x,x_mis1=wgeesimdata$x_mis[,2])
#'models <- list(y~x1+x2)
#'output<-ELCICwgee(models, candidate.cor.sets,data=dat,model_mis,family,r,id,time)

ELCICwgee <- function(models, candidate.cor.sets,data, model_mis, family,r,id,time)
    if (!inherits(family, "family"))
        stop("dist must be an object of type 'family'")
    dist <- family$family
    if (!is.list(models))
        models <- list(models)
    y <- model.response(model.frame(models[[1]], data,na.action=NULL))
    l <- lapply(models, function(li)
        m <- model.frame(li, data,na.action=NULL)
        m <- model.matrix(li, m)
    l_mis <- model.matrix(model_mis, data)
    name.var.sets <- lapply(l, colnames)
    name.var.sets.mis <- colnames(l_mis)

    dat <- do.call(cbind, l)
    dat <- dat[,!duplicated(colnames(dat))]
    ci <- ELCIC.wgee(x=dat,y,x_mis=dat_mis,r=r,id=id,time=time,name.var.sets=name.var.sets,

    attr(ci, "formula") <- models
    attr(ci, "type") <- "wgee"
    class(ci) <- "elcic"


    ##fit wgee based on ELCIC
    fit.wgee<-wgee(models[[which(ci==min(ci),arr.ind = TRUE)[2]]],data=data,id=id,family=dist,
                   corstr= candidate.cor.sets[which(ci==min(ci),arr.ind = TRUE)[1]],scale = NULL,mismodel =model_mis)


#'@title Model selection based on MLIC under the syntax of WGEE (Main function).
#'@description The function \code{\link{MLICwgee}} provides the model selection under the syntax of the wgeesel package.
#'@usage MLICwgee(models, candidate.cor.sets, data, model_mis, family,r,id,time)
#'@param models A list of formulas. See corresponding documentation to wgeesel.
#'@param candidate.cor.sets A vector containing candidate correlation structures. It can be any subset of c("independence","exchangeable", "ar1").
#'@param data A data frame containing the variables in both the main model and the missing model.
#'@param model_mis A formula used in the missing data model.
#'@param family A description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model.
#'The details are given under "Details".
#'@param r A vector indicating the observation of data: 1 for observed records (both outcome and covariates are observed for a given subject),
#'and 0 for unobserved records.
#'The default setup is that all data are observed.
#'@param id A vector indicating subject id.
#'@param time The number of observations in total for each subject.
#'@return A list with two items: model selection result based on ELCIC;
#'An object of "wgee" based on the selected model.
#'@details Three commonly used distributions are considered: "gaussian", "poisson", "binomial".
#'For the current package, the identity link is considered for a "gaussian" distribution;
#'the log link is considered for a "poisson" distribution; the logit link is considered for a "binomial" distribution;n;
#'## tests
#'# load data
#'dat <- data.frame(y=wgeesimdata$y, wgeesimdata$x,x_mis1=wgeesimdata$x_mis[,2])
#'models <- list(y~x1+x2)
#'##not run
#'#output<-MLICwgee(models, candidate.cor.sets,data=dat,model_mis,family,r,id,time)

MLICwgee <- function(models, candidate.cor.sets,data, model_mis, family,r,id,time)
    if (!inherits(family, "family"))
        stop("dist must be an object of type 'family'")
    dist <- family$family
    if (!is.list(models))
        models <- list(models)
    y <- model.response(model.frame(models[[1]], data,na.action=NULL))
    l <- lapply(models, function(li)
        m <- model.frame(li, data,na.action=NULL)
        m <- model.matrix(li, m)
    l_mis <- model.matrix(model_mis, data)
    name.var.sets <- lapply(l, colnames)
    name.var.sets.mis <- colnames(l_mis)

    dat <- do.call(cbind, l)
    dat <- dat[,!duplicated(colnames(dat))]

    attr(ci, "formula") <- models
    attr(ci, "type") <- "wgee"
    class(ci) <- "mlic"


    ##fit wgee based on ELCIC
    fit.wgee<-wgee(models[[which(ci==min(ci),arr.ind = TRUE)[2]]],data=data,id=id,family=dist,
                   corstr= candidate.cor.sets[which(ci==min(ci),arr.ind = TRUE)[1]],scale = NULL,mismodel =model_mis)


#'@title Model selection based on QICW under the syntax of WGEE (Main function).
#'@description The function \code{\link{QICWwgee}} provides the model selection under the syntax of the wgeesel package.
#'@usage QICWwgee(models, candidate.cor.sets, data, model_mis, family,r,id,time)
#'@param models A list of formulas. See corresponding documentation to wgeesel.
#'@param candidate.cor.sets A vector containing candidate correlation structures. It can be any subset of c("independence","exchangeable", "ar1").
#'@param data A data frame containing the variables in both the main model and the missing model.
#'@param model_mis A formula used in the missing data model.
#'@param family A description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model.
#'The details are given under "Details".
#'@param r A vector indicating the observation of data: 1 for observed records (both outcome and covariates are observed for a given subject),
#'and 0 for unobserved records.
#'The default setup is that all data are observed.
#'@param id A vector indicating subject id.
#'@param time The number of observations in total for each subject.
#'@return A list with two items: model selection result based on ELCIC;
#'An object of "wgee" based on the selected model.
#'@details Three commonly used distributions are considered: "gaussian", "poisson", "binomial".
#'For the current package, the identity link is considered for a "gaussian" distribution;
#'the log link is considered for a "poisson" distribution; the logit link is considered for a "binomial" distribution;n;
#'## tests
#'# load data
#'dat <- data.frame(y=wgeesimdata$y, wgeesimdata$x,x_mis1=wgeesimdata$x_mis[,2])
#'models <- list(y~x1+x2)
#'##not run
#'#output<-QICWwgee(models, candidate.cor.sets,data=dat,model_mis,family,r,id,time)

QICWwgee <- function(models, candidate.cor.sets,data, model_mis, family,r,id,time)
    if (!inherits(family, "family"))
        stop("dist must be an object of type 'family'")
    dist <- family$family
    if (!is.list(models))
        models <- list(models)
    y <- model.response(model.frame(models[[1]], data,na.action=NULL))
    l <- lapply(models, function(li)
        m <- model.frame(li, data,na.action=NULL)
        m <- model.matrix(li, m)
    l_mis <- model.matrix(model_mis, data)
    name.var.sets <- lapply(l, colnames)
    name.var.sets.mis <- colnames(l_mis)

    dat <- do.call(cbind, l)
    dat <- dat[,!duplicated(colnames(dat))]

    attr(ci, "formula") <- models
    attr(ci, "type") <- "wgee"
    class(ci) <- "qicw"


    ##fit wgee based on ELCIC
    fit.wgee<-wgee(models[[which(ci==min(ci),arr.ind = TRUE)[2]]],data=data,id=id,family=dist,
                   corstr= candidate.cor.sets[which(ci==min(ci),arr.ind = TRUE)[1]],scale = NULL,mismodel =model_mis)


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ELCIC documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:18 p.m.