Index.Observations: Observations

Index.ObservationsR Documentation



  • country

    • Consumption : Quarterly Data on Consumption and Expenditure

    • DM : DM Dollar Exchange Rate

    • Garch : Daily Observations on Exchange Rates of the US Dollar Against Other Currencies

    • Gasoline : Gasoline Consumption

    • Hstarts : Housing Starts

    • Icecream : Ice Cream Consumption

    • IncomeUK : Seasonally Unadjusted Quarterly Data on Disposable Income and Expenditure

    • Irates : Monthly Interest Rates

    • Klein : Klein's Model I

    • LT : Dollar Sterling Exchange Rate

    • Longley : The Longley Data

    • MW : Growth of Disposable Income and Treasury Bill Rate

    • Macrodat : Macroeconomic Time Series for the United States

    • ManufCost : Manufacturing Costs

    • Mishkin : Inflation and Interest Rates

    • Mofa : International Expansion of U.S. MOFAs (majority–owned Foreign Affiliates in Fire (finance, Insurance and Real Estate)

    • Money : Money, GDP and Interest Rate in Canada

    • Mpyr : Money, National Product and Interest Rate

    • Orange : The Orange Juice Data Set

    • PE : Price and Earnings Index

    • PPP : Exchange Rates and Price Indices for France and Italy

    • Pound : Pound-dollar Exchange Rate

    • Solow : Solow's Technological Change Data

    • StrikeNb : Number of Strikes in Us Manufacturing

    • SumHes : The Penn Table

    • Tbrate : Interest Rate, GDP and Inflation

    • Yen : Yen-dollar Exchange Rate

  • goods

    • Computers : Prices of Personal Computers

    • Diamond : Pricing the C's of Diamond Stones

    • Housing : Sales Prices of Houses in the City of Windsor

    • Journals : Economic Journals Data Set

  • households

    • BudgetFood : Budget Share of Food for Spanish Households

    • BudgetItaly : Budget Shares for Italian Households

    • BudgetUK : Budget Shares of British Households

    • HC : Heating and Cooling System Choice in Newly Built Houses in California

    • Heating : Heating System Choice in California Houses

    • VietNamH : Medical Expenses in Vietnam (household Level)

  • individuals

    • Benefits : Unemployment of Blue Collar Workers

    • Bwages : Wages in Belgium

    • CPSch3 : Earnings from the Current Population Survey

    • Car : Stated Preferences for Car Choice

    • Catsup : Choice of Brand for Catsup

    • Cracker : Choice of Brand for Crackers

    • Doctor : Number of Doctor Visits

    • DoctorAUS : Doctor Visits in Australia

    • Earnings : Earnings for Three Age Groups

    • Fair : Extramarital Affairs Data

    • Fishing : Choice of Fishing Mode

    • FriendFoe : Data from the Television Game Show Friend Or Foe ?

    • Griliches : Wage Data

    • HI : Health Insurance and Hours Worked By Wives

    • Hmda : The Boston HMDA Data Set

    • Kakadu : Willingness to Pay for the Preservation of the Kakadu National Park

    • Ketchup : Choice of Brand for Ketchup

    • Males : Wages and Education of Young Males

    • Mathlevel : Level of Calculus Attained for Students Taking Advanced Micro–economics

    • Mode : Mode Choice

    • ModeChoice : Data to Study Travel Mode Choice

    • Mroz : Labor Supply Data

    • NaturalPark : Willingness to Pay for the Preservation of the Alentejo Natural Park

    • OFP : Visits to Physician Office

    • PSID : Panel Survey of Income Dynamics

    • Participation : Labor Force Participation

    • RetSchool : Return to Schooling

    • Schooling : Wages and Schooling

    • Somerville : Visits to Lake Somerville

    • Star : Effects on Learning of Small Class Sizes

    • Tobacco : Households Tobacco Budget Share

    • Train : Stated Preferences for Train Traveling

    • Tuna : Choice of Brand for Tuna

    • Unemployment : Unemployment Duration

    • VietNamI : Medical Expenses in Vietnam (individual Level)

    • Wages : Panel Data of Individual Wages

    • Wages1 : Wages, Experience and Schooling

    • Workinghours : Wife Working Hours

    • Yogurt : Choice of Brand for Yogurts

  • production units

    • Airline : Cost for U.S. Airlines

    • Bids : Bids Received By U.S. Firms

    • CRSPday : Daily Returns from the CRSP Database

    • CRSPmon : Monthly Returns from the CRSP Database

    • Clothing : Sales Data of Men's Fashion Stores

    • Electricity : Cost Function for Electricity Producers

    • Grunfeld : Grunfeld Investment Data

    • Labour : Belgian Firms

    • Nerlove : Cost Function for Electricity Producers, 1955

    • Oil : Oil Investment

    • PatentsHGH : Dynamic Relation Between Patents and R&D

    • PatentsRD : Patents, R&D and Technological Spillovers for a Panel of Firms

  • regional

    • Airq : Air Quality for Californian Metropolitan Areas

    • Cigar : Cigarette Consumption

    • Cigarette : The Cigarette Consumption Panel Data Set

    • Crime : Crime in North Carolina

    • Fatality : Drunk Driving Laws and Traffic Deaths

    • Hedonic : Hedonic Prices of Census Tracts in Boston

    • Metal : Production for SIC 33

    • MunExp : Municipal Expenditure Data

    • Produc : Us States Production

    • TranspEq : Statewide Data on Transportation Equipment Manufacturing

  • schools

    • Caschool : The California Test Score Data Set

    • MCAS : The Massachusetts Test Score Data Set

    • University : Provision of University Teaching and Research

Ecdat documentation built on Oct. 16, 2022, 1:08 a.m.