EfficientMaxEigenpair Vignette

title: "EfficientMaxEigenpair Vignette" header-includes: - \usepackage{url} author: - Mu-Fa Chen - Assisted by Xiao-Jun Mao date: 'r Sys.Date()' output: html_document

EfficientMaxEigenpair is a package for computing the maximal eigenpair of the matrices with non-negative off-diagonal elements (or as a dual, the minimal eigenvalue of the matrices with non-positive off-diagonal elements). This vignette is a simple guide to using the package. All the algorithms and examples provided in this vignette are available in both the paper "Efficient initials for computing maximal eigenpair" and "Global algorithms for maximal eigenpair" by Mu-Fa Chen. The papers Chen (2016) and Chen (2017) are now included in the Vol 4, in the middle of the website: \begin{center} \url{http://math0.bnu.edu.cn/~chenmf/} \end{center} Let us install and require the package EfficientMaxEigenpair first.


Before moving to the details, let us illustrate the algorithm by two typical examples.

The tridiagonal case (Example 7 in Chen (2016))

The matrices we considered for the tridiagonal case are in the form of \begin{center} $Q=\begin{bmatrix} -1 & 1^2 & 0 & 0 & \dots & 0 \ 1^2 & -5 & 2^2 & 0 & \dots & 0 \ 0 & 2^2 & -13 & 3^2 & \dots & 0 \ \vdots & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots \ 0 & \dots & \dots & (n-2)^2 & -(n-2)^2-(n-1)^2 & (n-1)^2 \ 0 & \dots & \dots & 0 & (n-1)^2 & -(n-1)^2-n^2 \end{bmatrix}$, \end{center} where $n$ is the dimension of the matrix. For the infinite case, we have known that the maximal eigenvalue is $-1/4$. We now want to calulate the maximal eigenvalues of matrices in different dimensions by the Rayleigh quotient iteration.

# Define the dimension of matrix to be 100.
nn = 100

# Generate the corresponding tridiagonal matrix.
a = c(1:(nn - 1))^2
b = c(1:(nn - 1))^2
c = rep(0, length(a) + 1)
c[length(a) + 1] = nn^2

# Output the corresponding convergence maximal eigenpairs of the tridiagonal matrix.
eigenpair=eff.ini.maxeig.tri(a, b, c, xi = 7/8)

The output here are the approximations $z$ of the maximal eigenvalue of matrix $Q$. However, in what follow, we often write -$z$ instead of $z$ for simplicity.

# The approximating sequence z_0, z_1, z_2 of the maximal eigenvalue.

The following figure shows the corresponding eigenvetors $v$ up to a sign. To be consistent with the paper's notation, we accept the convention that the first element in vector start with $v[0]$. From the first figure below, one sees that the eigenvectors $-v[1]$ and $v[2]$ are nearly the same. However, if we look at the last parts of the curves, it is clear that $-v[1]$ and $v[2]$ are actually different. Here we plot them in the same figure to compare. The following two figures show the approximating sequence $v[0]$, $v[1]$, $v[2]$(up to a sign) of the maximal eigenvector.

![$v[0]$, $v[1]$, $v[2]$](v012.pdf){width=280px} ![$v[1]$, $v[2]$](v12.pdf){width=280px}

plot(eigenpair$v[[1]], type = "l", col = "black", ylab = "", xlab = "")
lines(-eigenpair$v[[2]], col = "blue")
lines(eigenpair$v[[3]], col = "red")
text(50, 0.5, labels = "v[0], -v[1], v[2] on {1,2,...,100}")
text(90, 0.05, labels = "v[0]", col = "black")
text(20, 0.05, labels = "-v[1] and v[2]", col = "black")
plot(x = c(91:100), -eigenpair$v[[2]][91:100], type = "l", col = "blue", ylab = "", xlab = "")
lines(x = c(91:100), eigenpair$v[[3]][91:100], col = "red")
text(95.5, 0.0018, labels = "-v[1], v[2] on {91,92,...,100}")
text(91.5, 0.0017, labels = "-v[1]", col = "blue")
text(96, 0.0010, labels = "v[2]", col = "red")

In the following, because of the space limitation, we do not report the eigenvector results and write -$z$ instead of $z$ for simplicity.

# Define the dimension of each matrix.
nn = c(100, 500, 1000, 5000)

zmat = matrix(0, length(nn), 4)
zmat[ ,1] = nn

for (i in 1:length(nn)) {
    # Generate the corresponding tridiagonal matrix for different dimensions.
    a = c(1:(nn[i] - 1))^2
    b = c(1:(nn[i] - 1))^2
    c = rep(0, length(a) + 1)
    c[length(a) + 1] = nn[i]^2

    # Output the corresponding dual case results, i.e,
    # the minimal eigenvalue of the tridiagonal matrix -Q with non-posivie off-diagonal elements.
    zmat[i, -1] = -eff.ini.maxeig.tri(a, b, c, xi = 7/8)$z[1:3]

colnames(zmat) = c("Dimension", "-z_0", "-z_1", "-z_2")
# The approximating sequence -z_0, -z_1, -z_2 of the maximal eigenvalue.

The general case (Example 20 in Chen (2016))

The matrix we considered for this general case is

# Generate the general matrix A
A = matrix(c(1, 3, 9, 5, 2, 14, 10, 6, 0, 11, 11, 7, 0, 0, 1, 8),
    4, 4)

This matrix has complex eigenvalues:

# Calculate the corresponding eigenvalues of matrix A

We have to be carefull to choice the initial eigenpairs $z_0$ and $v[0]$ for this matrix A. The following is one counterexample with dangerous initials. The approximating sequence converges to the next to maximal eigenvalue rather than the maximal eigenvalue.

# Calulate the approximating sequence of maximal eigenvalue by the Rayleigh quotient iteration.
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, z0 = "Auto", digit.thresh = 4)$z

Here we fixed the problem by using improved algorithm and safer initials which will be illustrated in detail of the algorithm part.

# Calulate the approximating sequence of maximal eigenvalue by the Rayleigh quotient iteration.
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, xi = 0.65, digit.thresh = 4)$z

Having illustrated the examples, we now introduce the package in details. It offers four main algorithms:

There are two auxiliary functions tridia() and ray.quot() where:


The research project is supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11131003, 11626245, 11771046) and the Project Funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions. The first author acknowledges the assisted one for his hard work in preparing this package in R.


We show most of the examples in the paper Chen (2016) in this section. For a convenient comparison, we keep the same subsection names and examples as the paper Chen (2016).

Efficient initials. The tridiagonal case.

In this subsection, armed with eff.ini.maxeig.tri(), we can calculate the maximal eigenpair for the tridiagonal matrix. Sometimes we will report the minimal eigenvalue of $-Q$ by the convention in the paper Chen (2016).

The minimal eigenvalue of -Q Example 7 (Same as in Example 1)

a = c(1:7)^2
b = c(1:7)^2
c = rep(0, length(a) + 1)
c[length(a) + 1] = 8^2
-eff.ini.maxeig.tri(a, b, c, xi = 1)$z

Example 7 (Ordinary and Improved)

In the tridiagonal case, the improved algorithm is presented below Example 10 in Chen (2016).

nn = c(100, 500, 1000, 5000, 7500, 10^4)
for (i in 1:6) {
    a = c(1:(nn[i] - 1))^2
    b = c(1:(nn[i] - 1))^2
    c = rep(0, length(a) + 1)
    c[length(a) + 1] = nn[i]^2

    print(-eff.ini.maxeig.tri(a, b, c, xi = 1)$z)
    print(-eff.ini.maxeig.tri(a, b, c, xi = 7/8)$z)
print(c(0.348549, 0.376437, 0.376383))
print(c(0.387333, 0.376393, 0.376383))
print(c(0.310195, 0.338402, 0.338329))
print(c(0.349147, 0.338342, 0.338329))
print(c(0.299089, 0.327320, 0.327240))
print(c(0.338027, 0.327254, 0.327240))
print(c(0.281156, 0.308623, 0.308529))
print(c(0.319895, 0.308550, 0.308529))
print(c(0.277865, 0.305016, 0.304918))
print(c(0.316529, 0.304942, 0.304918))
print(c(0.275762, 0.302660, 0.302561))
print(c(0.314370, 0.302586, 0.302561))
With safe improvement
nn = c(8, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 7500, 10^4)
for (i in 1:7) {
    a = c(1:(nn[i] - 1))^2
    b = c(1:(nn[i] - 1))^2
    c = rep(0, length(a) + 1)
    c[length(a) + 1] = nn[i]^2

    print(-eff.ini.maxeig.shift.inv.tri(a, b, c, xi = 1)$z)
print(c(0.485985, 0.524150, 0.525267, 0.525268))
print(c(0.348549, 0.374848, 0.376378, 0.376383))
print(c(0.310195, 0.336860, 0.338320, 0.338329))
print(c(0.299089, 0.325735, 0.327229, 0.327240))
print(c(0.281156, 0.306874, 0.308514, 0.308529))
print(c(0.277865, 0.303213, 0.304903, 0.304918))
print(c(0.275762, 0.300821, 0.302545, 0.302561))

The maximal eigenvalue of A Example 8 (Due to L.K.Hua)

a = 14/100
b = 40/100
c = c(-25/100 - 40/100, -12/100 - 14/100)
eff.ini.maxeig.tri(a, b, c, xi = 1)$z
eff.ini.maxeig.tri(a, b, c, xi = 7/8)$z
With safe improvement
eff.ini.maxeig.shift.inv.tri(a, b, c, xi = 1)$z
eff.ini.maxeig.shift.inv.tri(a, b, c, xi = 7/8)$z

Example 10 (tridiagonal case)

a = c(sqrt(10), sqrt(130)/11)
b = c(11/sqrt(10), 20 * sqrt(130)/143)
c = c(-1 - 11/sqrt(10), -25/11 - sqrt(10) - 20 * sqrt(130)/143, -8/11 -
eff.ini.maxeig.tri(a, b, c, xi = 1, digit.thresh = 5)$z
eff.ini.maxeig.tri(a, b, c, xi = 7/8, digit.thresh = 5)$z
With safe improvement
eff.ini.maxeig.shift.inv.tri(a, b, c, xi = 1, digit.thresh = 5)$z
eff.ini.maxeig.shift.inv.tri(a, b, c, xi = 7/8, digit.thresh = 5)$z

Example A3 in Chen (2017)

a = c(0.5142, 0.2115, 0.8442, 0.2347, 0.9837)
b = c(0.9962, 0.1111, 0.1405, 0.7595, 0.0781)
c = c(-2.334-0.9962, -2.6725-0.5142-0.1111, -2.263-0.2115-0.1405, -2.8457-0.8442-0.7595, -2.2257-0.2347-0.0781, -2.1582-0.9837)
eff.ini.maxeig.tri(a, b, c, xi = 1)$z
With safe improvement
eff.ini.maxeig.shift.inv.tri(a, b, c, xi = 1)$z

From the above we can see that using the idea in the paper Chen (2017)...($z_{k}$=$\delta_{k}^{-1}$) may need one or two more steps than the Chen (2016) but Chen (2017)'s improvement is safe and never fall into pitfall, so we can use the new one instead of the old in 2016.

Efficient initials. The general case.

To get the maximal eigenpair for the general matrix $Q$, there are several choices of the initial vector $v_0$ and the initial $z_0$. In this subsection, we study several combinations of the choices.

Fixed Uniformly distributed initial vector $v_0=(1,\dots,1)/\sqrt(N+1)$.

Choice I for $z_0=\sup_{i\in E}A_{i}$
Example 13
A = matrix(c(1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1), 3, 3)
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, v0_tilde = rep(1, dim(A)[1]), z0 = "fixed", digit.thresh = 5)$z
Example 14
A = t(matrix(seq(1, 16), 4, 4))
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, v0_tilde = rep(1, dim(A)[1]), z0 = "fixed", digit.thresh = 4)$z
Example 15
A = matrix(c(1, 3, 9, 5, 2, 14, 10, 6, 0, 11, 11, 7, 0, 0, 1, 8),
    4, 4)
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, v0_tilde = rep(1, dim(A)[1]), z0 = "fixed", digit.thresh = 4)$z
Example 16 (Same as Example 1)
a = c(1:7)^2
b = c(1:7)^2
c = rep(0, length(a) + 1)
c[length(a) + 1] = 8^2

N = length(a)
Q = tridiag(b, a, -c(b[1] + c[1], a[1:N - 1] + b[2:N] + c[2:N], a[N] +
    c[N + 1]))

A = 113 * diag(1, (N + 1)) + Q

113 - eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, v0_tilde = rep(1, dim(A)[1]), z0 = "fixed")$z
Choice II for $z_0=v_0^{\ast}Av_{0}$ for Example 13-15
Example 13
A = matrix(c(1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1), 3, 3)
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, v0_tilde = rep(1, dim(A)[1]), z0 = "Auto", digit.thresh = 5)$z
Example 14
A = t(matrix(seq(1, 16), 4, 4))
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, v0_tilde = rep(1, dim(A)[1]), z0 = "Auto", digit.thresh = 4)$z
Example 15
A = matrix(c(1, 3, 9, 5, 2, 14, 10, 6, 0, 11, 11, 7, 0, 0, 1, 8),
    4, 4)
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, v0_tilde = rep(1, dim(A)[1]), z0 = "Auto", digit.thresh = 4)$z
Choice III for numeric $z_0$

Here we use the combination coefficient xi=7/8 which is a little different with Chen (2016).

Example 17: Symmetrizing matrix $A$
A = matrix(c(1, 3, 9, 5, 2, 14, 10, 6, 0, 11, 11, 7, 0, 0, 1, 8),
    4, 4)
S = (t(A) + A)/2
N = dim(S)[1]
a = diag(S[-1, -N])
b = diag(S[-N, -1])
c = rep(NA, N)
c[1] = -diag(S)[1] - b[1]
c[2:(N - 1)] = -diag(S)[2:(N - 1)] - b[2:(N - 1)] - a[1:(N - 2)]
c[N] = -diag(S)[N] - a[N - 1]

z0ini = eff.ini.maxeig.tri(a, b, c, xi = 7/8)$z[1]
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, v0_tilde = rep(1, dim(A)[1]), z0 = "numeric",
    z0numeric = 28 - z0ini, digit.thresh = 4)$z
Example 17: Without Symmetrizing matrix $A$
A = matrix(c(1, 3, 9, 5, 2, 14, 10, 6, 0, 11, 11, 7, 0, 0, 1, 8),
    4, 4)
S = A
N = dim(S)[1]
a = diag(S[-1, -N])
b = diag(S[-N, -1])
c[1] = -diag(S)[1] - b[1]
c[2:(N - 1)] = -diag(S)[2:(N - 1)] - b[2:(N - 1)] - a[1:(N - 2)]
c[N] = -diag(S)[N] - a[N - 1]

z0ini = eff.ini.maxeig.tri(a, b, c, xi = 7/8)$z[1]
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, v0_tilde = rep(1, dim(A)[1]), z0 = "numeric",
    z0numeric = 31 - z0ini, digit.thresh = 4)$z

Efficient initial vector $v_0$

The improved algorithm is presented at the end of Section 4 in Chen (2016). The outputs at the last line in Examples 18 and 19 are different from those presented in the cited paper, due to the reason that a slight different combination was used there.

Example 18 (Same as Example 10)
A = matrix(c(1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1), 3, 3)
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, z0 = "Auto", digit.thresh = 5)$z
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, xi = 1, digit.thresh = 5)$z
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, xi = 1/3, digit.thresh = 5)$z
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, xi = 0, digit.thresh = 5)$z
Example 19 (Same as Example 14)
A = t(matrix(seq(1, 16), 4, 4))
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, z0 = "Auto", digit.thresh = 4)$z
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, xi = 1, digit.thresh = 4)$z
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, xi = 1/3, digit.thresh = 4)$z
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, xi = 0, digit.thresh = 4)$z
Example 20 (Same as Example 15)
A = matrix(c(1, 3, 9, 5, 2, 14, 10, 6, 0, 11, 11, 7, 0, 0, 1, 8),
    4, 4)
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, z0 = "Auto", digit.thresh = 4)$z
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, xi = 1, digit.thresh = 4)$z
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, xi = 0.65, digit.thresh = 4)$z
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, xi = 0, digit.thresh = 4)$z
Example 21
b4 = c(0.01, 1, 100)
digits = c(9, 7, 6)

for (i in 1:3) {
    A = matrix(c(-3, 4, 0, 10, 0, 2, -7, 5, 0, 0, 0, 3, -5, 0, 0,
        1, 0, 0, -16, 11, 0, 0, 0, 6, -11 - b4[i]), 5, 5)
    print(-eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, z0 = "Auto", digit.thresh = digits[i])$z)
Example 22
The result given by general algorithm
b4 = c(0.01, 1, 100)
digits = c(9, 7, 6)

for (i in 1:3) {
    A = matrix(c(-5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 5, -7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, -3, 10, 0,
        0, 0, 1, -16, 11, 0, 0, 0, 6, -11 - b4[i]), 5, 5)
    print(-eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, z0 = "Auto", digit.thresh = digits[i])$z)
The result given by tri algorithm
b4 = c(0.01, 1, 100)
a = c(3, 2, 10, 11)
b = c(5, 4, 1, 6)
b4 = c(0.01, 1, 100, 10^6)
digits = c(9, 7, 6, 6)

for (i in 1:4) {
    c = c(rep(0, 4), b4[i])
    print(-eff.ini.maxeig.tri(a, b, c, xi = 1, digit.thresh = digits[i])$z)

Example A3 in Chen (2017)

a = c(0.5142, 0.2115, 0.8442, 0.2347, 0.9837)
b = c(0.9962, 0.1111, 0.1405, 0.7595, 0.0781)
c = c(-2.334-0.9962, -2.6725-0.5142-0.1111, -2.263-0.2115-0.1405, -2.8457-0.8442-0.7595, -2.2257-0.2347-0.0781, -2.1582-0.9837)

N = length(a)
A = tridiag(b, a, -c(b[1] + c[1], a[1:N - 1] + b[2:N] + c[2:N], a[N] + c[N + 
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, xi = 1, digit.thresh = 5)$z
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, xi = 0.18, digit.thresh = 5)$z
eff.ini.maxeig.general(A, xi = 0, digit.thresh = 5)$z

From this example, we can see that when xi=0, it goes into pitfall. So we may choose xi does not equal to 0.

The next to the maximal eigenpair.

Tridiagonal matrix case.

Example 25

a = c(1:7)^2
b = c(1:7)^2

eff.ini.seceig.tri(a, b, xi = 0)$z
eff.ini.seceig.tri(a, b, xi = 1)$z
eff.ini.seceig.tri(a, b, xi = 2/5)$z

Example 26

a = c(3, 2, 10, 11)
b = c(5, 4, 1, 6)

eff.ini.seceig.tri(a, b, xi = 0, digit.thresh = 5)$z
eff.ini.seceig.tri(a, b, xi = 1, digit.thresh = 5)$z
eff.ini.seceig.tri(a, b, xi = 2/5, digit.thresh = 5)$z

General matrix case.

The results of two choices of the initial $z_0$ are presented in the following.

Example 27

Q = matrix(c(-30, 1/5, 11/28, 55/3291, 30, -17, 275/42, 330/1097,
    0, 84/5, -20, 588/1097, 0, 0, 1097/84, -2809/3291), 4, 4)
eff.ini.seceig.general(Q, z0 = "Auto", digit.thresh = 5)$z
eff.ini.seceig.general(Q, z0 = "fixed", digit.thresh = 5)$z

Example 28

Q = matrix(c(-57, 135/59, 243/91, 351/287, 118/27, -52, 590/91, 118/41,
    91/9, 637/59, -47, 195/41, 1148/27, 2296/59, 492/13, -62/7),
    4, 4)
eff.ini.seceig.general(Q, z0 = "Auto", digit.thresh = 4)$z
eff.ini.seceig.general(Q, z0 = "fixed", digit.thresh = 4)$z


[1] M. F. Chen. "Efficient initials for computing maximal eigenpair". In: Frontiers of Mathematics in China 11.6 (2016), pp. 1379-1418.

[2] M. F. Chen. "Global algorithms for maximal eigenpair". In: Frontiers of Mathematics in China 12.5 (2017), pp. 1023-1043.

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